American customers have initiated a rapid change in the food industry business. According to a recent food and beverage survey by L.E.K. Consulting, almost 93% of U.S. customers will consider eating healthy, while 63% of them are trying their best to shift to healthy habits.

Nowadays, most US individuals will choose foods that are fresh, natural, additive-free, and sustainably produced. Healthy eating doesn’t only mean nurturing good physical well-being; rather, it’s more of a lifestyle choice, an expression of an individual’s identity.

Recent studies have shown people consume and use brands in a manner that represents their identity. Brands serve to reflect their personal values. So, healthy eating is now a thing among Americans.

Benefits Of Healthy Eating

There are several benefits of healthy eating. If you are choosing the kind of dietary source that is infused with minerals, vitamins, and fiber, it is bound to benefit you in the long run. A healthy diet is nutrients rich and contains all major types of food groups.

A balanced diet includes lean protein, whole grains, healthy fat, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, nuts, and dairy products like yogurt. It will have a balance of all components. A balanced and healthy diet will fulfill the body’s daily needs and regulate blood pressure.

Several studies have shown if you stick to a healthy diet regime for at least a year, you will notice incredible improvements. You will have a better brain, heart, and gut relation. You will be able to prevent almost 80% of your premature heart diseases.

Best Healthy Eating Restaurants In NoHo, New York

If you are currently residing in the regions of New York and if you want to champion a healthy lifestyle, then you must visit these restaurants.


Lafayette features French cooking at the corner of Lafayette Street and Great Jones Street in downtown Manhattan. Chef Andrew Carmellini is joined by the Chief Executive Chef named John Ramirez. It’s a kind of French restaurant with a bakery in the front.

The ambiance is amazing because it includes the greatest sidewalk seating. You can come here in the afternoon for brunch with your family or co-worker, or you can have an excellent dinner all by yourself. They have a huge variety of menus to choose from.

The prices are affordable. They maintain healthy eating habits and have introduced a bar for moderate drinking. The bar offers a variety of beverages, like vin de champagne, cocktails, craft beers, and aperitifs.


Honeybrains is one of the healthiest restaurants in NoHo and the first-ever hospitality restaurant in the area of NoHo, New York, that cares for your brain. Yes, you’ve heard it right!

The CEO and Co-founder of Honeybrains Marisa Seifan, initiated the business in December 2016. She says that Honeybrains have initiated a deep understanding of the functionalities of the human brain via thorough research. They have an understanding of the human brain’s characteristics and what kind of food induces its productivity.

Honeybrains offers a menu that displays food items, drinks, supplements, and other products that help in enhancing human brain activity. Marisa is also passionate about teaching other people about brain health and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

The CEO believes that the product promised by the restaurant will empower individuals with its products to live a brain-healthy life. Marisa is also vocal about mental health, and thus their foods contain nutrients that can reduce depression, ADHD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other mental health-related conditions.


Ladybird has an upbeat environment and lavish furnishing situated in the busiest areas of NYC. It provides a cozy space to hang out and a photogenic appeal. If you are also a photography lover, you can easily take pictures that will be a perfect fit for your Instagram background. The menu offers a variety of food items, from eggplant parm to mushroom and onion toast. The restaurant is also well known for serving cocktails infused with vegetables.

The Butcher’s Daughter

The name of the restaurant seems to be sarcastic in a humorous sense. Whatever the name, this restaurant offers only a plant-based diet. It is completely dedicated to serving 100% vegetarian dishes made out of fresh food items and preservatives free ingredients.

After a long hard day in NYC which is the busiest of all states in the United States, you will crave refreshments. Having a meal at the Butcher’s Daughter definitely energizes you.

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you still waiting? You can just visit these restaurants if you are right now residing in NYC. You will be able to experience that a healthy diet can also be tasteful. You will also be able to observe a great ambience.

You can have a tint of refreshment sitting along the sidewalk of a restaurant that is more concerned about your health and your well-being.


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