If you are planning to buy a diamond make sure to check what store, what diamond to buy and where to buy it. These three factors can lead you to get the best diamond you can get. Check on the several stores near you then pick the best wholesale diamond dealer in Fort Worth. Buying local can be advantageous in the way that you can check the diamonds up close since the stores are just located in your area. 

What is the Difference Between Traditional Diamond Retailers and Wholesale Diamond Sellers?

Comparing traditional diamond retail stores and wholesale stores can help you weigh which is better and advantageous for you. 

Differences between Retail and Wholesale Diamond Sellers 

  • Diamond Option 

There are more options to choose from in wholesale stores since their market is wider they also provide a wide variety of diamonds so they can satisfy the demands of their clients. While retail diamond sellers their market is limited therefore they have fewer stocks to choose from. There is also a bigger chance of getting a high-quality diamond in a wholesale store since they get new stocks now and then.  

  • Diamond Source 

The diamond source for wholesale diamond sellers is 100% sure since they get their diamonds directly from the miners or brokers, plus they buy in bulk so they usually have one source. While retail diamond sellers have several sources and they can not guarantee 100% if their sources are good or not since the diamonds are already passed on from one middleman to another. 

  • Diamond Prices

The prices of wholesale diamonds are far cheaper than that of the ones in a retail store. Since wholesale diamonds has only a few people to deal with before they get the diamonds they don’t need to add a lot of top-ups to their diamonds. While retailers have to add their expenses and there have been several top-ups from the middlemen before the diamond reaches them. 

3 Reasons Why Wholesale Diamonds Saves You Money

1. Tax Incentives

Wholesale diamonds are often tax-free since the purchase is done in bulk. While retail diamonds are charged with tax for every transaction. So buying wholesale diamonds are advantageous and this is also one reason why their prices are lower than retail diamonds. 

2. Low Prices

The prices of wholesale diamonds are lower by 50% to 70% than their retail price counterpart. Imagine how much you can save if you can buy from wholesale diamond dealers. Wholesale diamond dealers can sell it this low since they don’t have to deal with several middlemen before they can get the diamond. The pricing for diamonds in retail stores will depend on how many middlemen have been the diamond passed on and for every middleman the cost of the diamond goes up. Plus another expense is added to the cost of the diamond. That’s why wholesale diamonds can be the perfect diamond to purchase since you can save a lot. 

3. Wholesale Diamonds are also GIA Certified

Like diamonds in the retail stores diamond in the wholesale stores are also GIA certified. The gemological institute of America is the more reliable diamond evaluator so getting a diamond that is certified by them can be an assurance that you are getting a diamond with its properties written on the certificate. 

Save money by buying wholesale diamonds in Fort Worth now, so better start doing your research and compare each diamond seller to know the right place to buy your diamond. Investing in wholesale diamonds is far better than buying one from a retail store. Imagine the amount you can save by opting to buy a wholesale diamond. 

Another factor that can help in getting the right diamond is chasing through the wholesale diamond seller. Ask recommendations from people you know so you can be sure which store can be able to give the diamond you are looking for. Only deal with those who have legit licenses and permits in selling diamonds and observe how they transact and entertain their clients. Choose a diamond dealer who is knowledgeable about diamonds since they can recommend the best and they can give you enough time to check on their diamonds as they explain the detailed features of each of your diamond choices.


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