PortableACUltimate.com (there might also be other similar websites), is selling Portable AC ULTIMATE. does not appear to be a trusted online store. Let’s see if this is a Portable AC Ultimate scam, or if it is real. Read our PortableACUltimate review to find out.
Portable AC Ultimate is a suspect online store because of these drawbacks:
# The address of the company is listed on Refund Policy page at 2925 E. Thompson St #2222, Phila. 19134. PortableACUltimate has not been listed on Google Maps as a business. There are other businesses listed instead.
The # PortableACUltimate site shares many similarities with other problematic sites such as TopChillBox.com, TopChillBox.com, Get-Novitec.com, BuyRangeXTD.com, HOCWatch. Cardieo.com, TurboTuuli.com, TurboTuuli.com, TurboTuuli.com, GetTVBuddy.com, FeverPatrol. Many users have complained about these sites.
# There have been many complaints about the quality of products on similar sites. We don’t believe Portable A/C Ultimate will be a better product because of this fact. We don’t believe Portable AC ULTIMATE will perform as claimed on the advertisement. It looks more like a mini humidifier. The Portable AC pictures show that it looks like a sponge with the fan blowing. It won’t cool your room like AC, so we aren’t convinced.
# We didn’t find any way to comment on the website, so it appears that user comments are being posted by themselves. Please let us know if you can find any way to leave a comment on the website using the comment section.
Numerous online shops claim to be selling items at huge discounts or higher prices by offering fake discounts. However, most of these sites are frauds. It’s best to avoid new online shops or to do your research before purchasing anything from them. Most of these online stores won’t ship the items purchased to clients, or deliver very different or low-quality products. Scam online shops may charge clients their credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever been charged incorrectly by a scam website, you should immediately notify your bank or credit union to protect your credit card details.
Our Portable AC Ultimate review has shown that PortableACUltimate appears to be a suspicious website. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below. To report any scams, you can also leave a comment below. We are here to raise awareness about scams. Let’s get together and do it! Let’s stop scammers from ripping off innocent people.
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