Tips For Getting The Best Sleep
Tips For Getting The Best Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep is very important. It’s not only important for your physical health but also your mental health. If you aren’t getting the restorative sleep you need, there are certain things you need to do. Instilling good sleep habits is a good way to improve your sleep. Unfortunately, as many as 1/3 of all adults don’t get the right amount of sleep every night. Here are some of the top tips to implement to improve your sleep efforts.

1. Follow a Routine

One of the best things you can do is to establish a routine. You want to establish and follow a nighttime routine. This can help you tremendously whether you’re young or old. Using a routine is one of the best ways to mentally and physically prepare yourself for sleep. It’s a physical and mental cue that can be used to make the transition to sleep easier. You’ll find yourself falling asleep much easier when you have a consistent routine that you follow nightly. 

2. Set The Mood

Try to set the mood in your room. You want to optimize the room to allow for better sleep. Your environment plays a big role in determining how easy it is to fall asleep and even stay asleep. You want an environment that is conducive to quality sleep. Typically, this means a bedroom that is pitch black. Any light can disturb your sleep. You also want to keep the bedroom temperature around 68 degrees Farenheight. This will ensure that it’s cool enough for your body to get quality sleep. You may also want to get a white noise machine or use your phone to drown out any outside noises that could disturb your sleep. A Foldable Mattress should be comfortable and enable you to drift off to sleep, find out how Dormeo mattresses feel from customers.

3. Turn Off Tech

Using blue light-emitting technology at night is one of the easiest ways to disrupt your circadian rhythm. Try to avoid using any screens at night. If you must use screens, you’ll want to use screens that have blue light filters on them. If you are using screens at night, the exposure to blue light can simulate daylight. This can trick your mind into thinking it’s daytime which can curb melatonin production. This can make it much more difficult to prep your body and mind for sleep. 

4. Avoid Chemicals

There are plenty of chemicals that you’ll want to avoid before bedtime. Some of the more common ones include caffeine, nicotine, and even alcohol. Another ingredient you should look to avoid is sugar. All of these substances can make it increasingly difficult to fall asleep and get quality sleep and be relaxed. 

5. Optimize Your Internal Clock

You need to ensure that you are doing everything to keep your internal clock aligned. You want to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every night. This can keep your internal clock properly regulated. If you sleep more than 30 minutes beyond your normal wake period, you’ll find it can disrupt your internal clock and make it difficult to get back on track. This is why you should never try to sleep in on the weekends despite not having a reason to wake up at the same time as a weekday. 

6. Stick With It

You need to be consistent with all of the tips above. You likely won’t notice big benefits overnight. You need to be consistent with your efforts to ensure you are giving them a fair chance. You’ll likely find that you develop better sleep patterns and get much higher quality sleep because of these changes.


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