If you’re looking at the definition of HH, meaning, acronym abbreviation or definition of HH and HH, then you’re on the right track as we will be able provide you with the HH Slang meaning and how the acronym is utilized in the internet in conversations.

Then, what exactly is the definition of HH?

It is the abbreviated version that is short for “Ha Ha” or “Heh Heh” that is commonly used in chats, messages, posts, chats, messages email, and so on. to express mild laughter (not unlike LOL) in order to express the joy of something or to express happiness.

It’s also the short version of “Happy Hour” which is typically the time of the day when people can have entertainment such as drinking, gathering music, dancing and talking, as well as partying, etc.

It can also be commonly used in conversations by lovers that mean “Hold Hands or Holding Hands”.

It is also the shorter form also known as “Hand Hug” which is similar to high five, but you firmly wrap the thumbs in each other’s hand.

It is also a reference to the term “half hour” in an array of s*xual services.

It’s also the abbreviation of “Hoe Hotline” which is utilized for a mobile phone where a lot of calls and notifications are often received, particularly during the night.

It’s also used for “Hat Hot” Man who usually wears a hat, and is hot looking in it.

It’s also employed by girls to show “Hoe’s who follow guys”

It can also mean “Hulk Hunting” which means woman seeking a man desperate for s*x or some love.

It also has a variety of meanings that are utilized in various contexts and conversations.

What is the role of HH in conversation?

Examples include:

Boy 1, did anyone see Adam’s face?

Boy 2: HH!! This is hilarious! !


Girl 1: I absolutely love your dress! !

Girl 2: thank you! !


Boy 1. Hey, man we’ll meet up today at the evening of.

Boy 2: Oh, ok Boy 2:! !


Boy You are my favorite! !

Girl: I love you too! !

Boy: HH

Girl: HH


Girl 1: You’re hilarious! ….Give me a High Five girl! !

Girl 2: AhhhhHH is better! !


Boy 1: Did you look at on the menu..it’s $50 for the HH.

Boy 2: Yehhhh!! !


Mrs.: Your HH is still popping…it’s late at night honey.

Husband Okkkkk …..let my off of this! !


Girl 1: He is HH!! !

Girl 2: Blad What Do you think? And hot, yeahhh! !


A: See at how HH follows him around! !

B: Yeah.


Woman 1 Do you think of the HH tonight?

Woman 2: Yeah!!! Let’s have a HH night tonight.

And so on.

You now know what HH means based on the above definition, but should you wish to share something about it, do not hesitate to write your comments below.

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