If you’re searching for the definition, acronym, or abbreviation for PS3 Then you’re at the right spot because we’ll give you with the PS3 meaning in slang and also how the acronym is used in online conversations.

Then, what exactly do you mean when someone says “PS3”?

What PS3 Means?

The term “PS3” stands for “Play Station 3” that is a gaming system that utilizes Blu-Ray discs as the media format. It is a gaming console manufactured by Sony and it’s an intense competitor as well as a low-cost alternatives for XBox 360.

What are the ways that PS3 utilized in the conversation?

A few examples are:

I love playing “Resistance” in my PS3.

“Metal Gear Solid 4” is an awesome game that you can play on PS3.

My PS3 is playing “Little Big Planet” in my PS3 What is it that you’re doing?

and so on.

Now that you have a better understanding of the meaning behind PS3 according to the above definition So if you’d like to share your thoughts on it , or if you are aware of the meanings that it has Please feel free to comment below.

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