Communication is needed in the social world and better communication is always the priority of the individuals and businesses as well. Every successful business needs strong communication with its clients, customers and employees Because better communication could lead the business towards success and enhance its productivity. In ancient times businesses used traditional communication tools like landlines to communicate with employees, clients and customers.
Nowadays, a new form of communication which is cloud-based telecommunication is spreading worldwide. This is a web-based communication method, in which you can communicate through the web instead of using a traditional landline phone.. In the United Kingdom, the most acceptable and famous telecommunication tool is VoIP also known as voice over internet protocol. This is the most modern and advanced form of communication service, through which you can call, video call, send messages, multimedia, record calls and do conference calls so that you can connect with more than one person. Furthermore, here we are discussing the Voice over internet service in detail.
VoIP Infrastructure
VoIP phone service is a unified system, where there are multiple technologies working together, all the technologies have their unique specialty. For example, In the old days for calling a traditional landline phone was used, sending messages, email was in use, and for sending documents a separate fax machine was used, every single task was performed by a different tool. And now all the work has been done under a single application. The features of VoIP could better explain the different technologies and they’re working together to make the communication even more smoother and more efficient.
Component of VoIP infrastructure
There are a few components which are necessary for cloud-based telecommunication to work properly. Such components are,
- Internet Connection
VoIP is a web-based telecommunication system, that’s why an internet connection is needed for its working.. The voice signals, video images, text messages and multimedia are sent through the invisible digital internet system rather than traditional telephone wires. The signals sent through the internet are stronger and more reliable than traditional telephone lines.
- VoIP Application
For voice over internet telecommunication, the business has to install the application and buy a subscription for it. The VoIP UK has introduced favourable and flexible packages for businesses. You can buy the subscription for one month to several years, depending on the needs of the business. The application makes you able to take advantage by using the unified communication system. And make better communication among the customers, clients and employees.
- Equipements
For using the services of a cloud-based telecommunication service, a couple of equipment are required. Number one the VoIP adapters and number two is a device , either computer system, laptop, smartphone, smartwatch and VoIP phones can be used for downloading the application and using the service.
Businesses in the United Kingdom are switching from traditional telephones to VoIP phones because of their certain distinctive features.
Instructions to improve the infrastructure of VoIP
The infrastructure of VoIP can be improved more by addressing the following issues.
- VoIP bandwidth
The bandwidth of the system is defined as the maximum amount of data transmitted through the internet. In cloud-based telecommunication when so many people are calling and using applications the server usually goes down and communication quality gets affected. The bandwidth of a cloud-based system is 64kbps for upload and download and 1mbps speed capacity for every individual. The adequate bandwidth allows you to manage the communication system smoothly. For improving such issues the businesses are advised to improve the internet connection. And use high-quality Wifi devices and a reputable internet service provider can offer you the required bandwidth.
- VoIP security
Security is the most common issue for businesses nowadays. Every business wants to have a secured communication system which can save the private and sensitive information of the business. Sometimes the hacker attacks the cloud-based telecommunication system and inserts a malware or virus which provides a backdoor to hackers. The hacker gets into the system and reads your texts, listens to your calls and sometimes creates distortion while listening to calls. To eliminate this issue the provider and administrator of voice over internet protocol should make sure that the calls are end to end encrypted. Appropriate configuring of your cloud-based infrastructure will help in lessening such security issues.
Distinctive features of VoIP Infrastructure,
- Voice over internet telecommunication services are cost-effective. They have reduced the cost of the separate phone set and a huge number of telephone lines.
- They have made the business able to connect to their employees, clients, and customers from anywhere, at any time.
- VoIP UK phones are smarter than traditional phones and even smarter than human beings. They auto-detect the malware and virus, and detect the spam calls and messages, the system rejects and transfers the spam messages into the trash. This process of voice over internet telecommunication is called call screening.
- The system allows the business to have a toll-free number so that they can make calls irrespective of geographical boundaries and without fear of charging the extra cost of the call.
- The system acts as the assistant and auto-receptionist. It means that when you call the office number the call is attended by the recorded audio of the receptionist. The receptionist asked you to dial the extension number of the person relevant to your concern. After dialling the extension your call is transferred to the relevant person.
- When so many people are calling, the system analyses the calls and automatically arranges your calls in que and prioritises the calls on the basis of importance.
- They have the unique feature of multi-language and dialects. It means that you can translate the message into your own local language to completely understand the text and issue of the business and resolve it.
- They provide you with HD sound quality which is better than traditional telephones.