Fighting COVID-19 It was a dark and gloomy time this was as the COVID pandemic appeared from nowhere and spread over the entire world. There was chaos throughout the globe because of this epidemic. Everyone was scared. Everyone was scared. World Health Organization (WHO) was quick to announce that there was a pandemic. Everyone was in a state of panic. The most dangerous viruses that struck the history of mankind was COVID-19, which rapidly spread. The scourge was something the world has never witnessed and the scale of destruction was awe-inspiring. Because the world knew little about this new enemy experts advised that the most effective method to combat this adversity was to reduce the contact between people. People stopped interacting and those gathering stopped giving handshakes, hugging, or any other physical contact.

In the wake of COVID 19, an extreme lockdown was imposed throughout the world and schools were forced to down across the globe. The people were forced to stay at home, and no one allowed to leave without a face mask and everyone was required to adhere to the SOPs provided from the World Health Organization.

The new reality turned around the globe. People weren’t prepared to accept this. The majority of them were used with people in public, having fun and getting their work completed. But, this epidemic suggested people with new ideas for conversation from all over the world. If people cannot meet, how can collaborate with one another? What kind of organizations, whether they’re big or small will function? Nobody was certain of what would happen, and what time they’ll be doing to do their job. Although there weren’t any official answers to these questions however, there is one factor that seemed the right response to all of these issues and it could be the Internet.

The role of the internet in the case of pandemic

  • Entertainment Industry and Streaming

Internet is nothing less than an opportunity to help this epidemic. Many people were confined to their homes and with no cinemas open and no cafes to enjoy a meal during the COVID epidemic, Americans have been spending more of their time surfing the internet. The people who tune into television on cable have now switched to streaming services. You can access stunning TV shows and movies. Teens are spending the majority of their time on streaming platforms. With new TV shows and movies that are released each month, you’ll never be bored. There is always something to enjoy.

  • Communication and Social Media

In the wake of all open social gatherings being shut down, Americans are looking out for a redirection to ongoing components like Netflix as well as YouTube and are looking to connect with each other through the use of various social media platforms such as Instagram as well as Facebook. Facebook, Netflix, and YouTube have all seen their subscriber numbers go up, as people have nothing to do. A lot of users began signing up to different streaming services and we even see older folks using social media apps to stay informed about current events around the world.

  • Adjusting to the New Normal

It is true that the Internet has been in existence for a quarter of an century, but the recent developments in the world made it the primary focus of attention for people from one end of the globe to the next. There is no doubt of the fact that individuals have been affected in a massive way as a result of the pandemic. However, anyone who is reasonable would say that the devastation could have been greater that it is had it not been due to the Internet.

In the span of a few hours, the world had to adapt to the new normal and then begin performing most of its online work. Many even acknowledged that the pandemic had transformed the way that the world functions forever, and that the internet is the destiny of all areas, such as management, training and administration. Corporate, administrative, and medical services at times.

  • Contribution by Service Providers

A lot of internet service providers offer promo internet plans to their customers. They understood how difficult it was to maintain internet access when they are budget-conscious. Companies such as Cox offer incredible plans to their customers. With Cox’s internet those with an affordable budget could enjoy fantastic speeds and features for less prices. There are many companies similar to Cox and others that are offering promo plans due to the fact that there are many who are in a financial crunch.

How has the internet been a blessing to students and workers during this COVID epidemic?

The campuses and offices of America have been relocating to their lounges and storm cellars. There is nothing more significant that has impacted internet-based activity more than this shift. Users are using apps such as Zoom for classes as well as to hold meetings. Many people have begun working from home. They are investing billions of dollars into different online companies, and they really enjoy doing things online.

  • Online Education

A lot of students are enrolled in online courses , and they can save a significant amount of money, as they will see lots of savings on other costs like travel costs in addition to the tuition. If we contrast the virtual education system to the traditional system of education students are becoming familiar with the virtual learning system and are more inclined to enroll in online courses since you can take many online courses and take classes from lecturers from around the world.

  • Online Business

There is no doubt that businesses are the ones that were the most affected by this epidemic. What can we imagine about the difficulties without internet around the globe? This year, we saw an unprecedented increase in online shopping. There was a lot of online shopping , and considered it a relaxing exercise. Many of them set up their accounts through Amazon or eBay and made money through selling goods.

  • Freelancing

People who lost their jobs began working for themselves. They set up an account on several platforms such as Fiver and Upwork. If you’re online and believe that you’re skilled in something you could earn money easily on the internet. There are many people earning a substantial amount of money through working for themselves and the amount of freelancers are increasing each day due to the freedom. You are able to work as per your requirements and complete your work at any time.

Summing it up

We can’t deny of the covidiovirus pandemic was more than a disaster . We suffered a massive loss, not just financially, but we lost loved ones and a lot of people are becoming depressed as a result of this epidemic. However, there is a good thing that the Internet is being viewed as an opportunity to help in this situation. We must be grateful for the fact that everyone is connected to the internet. If it weren’t because of the internet, we might have been in the dark and trying to find solutions to the most pressing problems the planet confronts in the present.


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