If you think there might be a problem with asbestos on your property, don’t waste time thinking about it, you need to contact a licensed asbestos inspector immediately to identify the potential dangers that exist within the property. Do not try to remove asbestos yourself, as it can cause serious health problems. 

Do I Need An Asbestos Inspection?

The importance of having an asbestos inspection and lead and mold should be done for many reasons. You can have some severe health conditions that can be long-term, like lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis, which is a serious lung condition caused by inhaling asbestos fiber. An asbestos inspection is also sometimes required by law.

Making Sure Everyone’s Health Safe

Making sure your health and everyone else’s health is safe is always the number one priority, especially if someone in your building already has occurring health issues; you want to prevent any life-threatening illnesses you can. If your building is undergoing construction, renovation, and demolition, that becomes easy for lead, mold, and asbestos to spread. Usually, older buildings have more cases of asbestos and lead, and mold can grow just about anywhere there is moisture. It’s important to know not to try and clean debris containing asbestos yourself by trying to dust, sweep, or vacuum. Tiny fibers could get released into the air, causing an even bigger spread.

Prevent Damage To Your Building

To keep your building standing strong, having an inspection if you are suspecting something or just to be on the safe side is never a bad call. It is important as mold isn’t always easily seen, it can affect your building’s structure, which can start to cause more problems, including financially. Mold is easily spread in the layers of damp or moist building materials like wood, drywall or carpet. Don’t try to repair yourself. For example, if you want someone to remove asbestos in Melbourne, call around, check Google reviews, and hire a licensed specialist. Improper handling of asbestos can create a hazard where there was none. If asbestos has caused a damaged area bigger than your hand, the repair will not be an easy one. 

Protect Against Lawsuits

Inspections help protect you from lawsuits if someone gets sick. If you are planning to remodel your building, know that you could be potentially disrupting materials that can cause exposure. The people that are inside your building, you are responsible for the health conditions of their environment. If someone already has underlying health conditions that you are aware of, making sure your building is one hundred percent sanitary and safe is your responsibility.

Comply With The Law

It is often required by the law to have these surveys done to ensure everyone’s health and safety are not at risk. For inspections of school buildings, the Environmental Protection Agency requires local educational agencies to have the buildings inspected For ACM to develop asbestos plans. This agency also requires that you are trained, and EPA certified to be engaged in lead renovation, repair, and painting. Also, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has regulations for workers’ protection when dealing with these hazardous materials. 

How Often Should You Get Surveys?

Asbestos and lead surveys don’t typically have to be performed as often as mold inspections. Once your management plan is set, you wont need to have another one unless you are planning on remodeling or repainting. You should strongly consider getting an inspection before doing so, with additional testing done. 


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