Are you seeking a critique on Ohrdeeh Online store? In this post you will find the answer you’ve been looking for as we’ve attempted to give you the specifics about this website. All you need to do is to look through our Ohrdeeh review and discover whether this is an Ohrdeeh .com fraud or a reputable business.
What exactly is Ohrdeeh .com?
It is an online store that sells a variety of items of fashion, such as the RTS Tom Lewis Royston CUFF Dawn of Turquoise Collectible Squash Blossom Necklace, Genuine Sterling Silver Navajo Indian Turquoise Bear Paw Ring, Bohemian strapless irregular dress White Tube Top Bohemian style dress, natural and unblocked plus size V-neck mid-sleeved dress Casual Lavender T-shirt V-neckline Dress 32 A Solid V Neck Casual dress 25, it’s Dubbed the Grace print plus size V neck mid-sleeved dress etc. But, there are many things to be aware of about this store before you decide to make it your online shopping site.
Ohrdeeh has been regarded to be one of those questionable websites based on the of the following arguments:
Contact Information:
The name of the parent company as well as the address for this online store can be found on the Terms and Condition page. Kristal F.I. Societa’a Responsabilita’ Limitata Semplificata: Registration number: MI-2595919: Milano (MI) Via Tonale 12 CAP 20125. The name of the parent company and address is listed in a format that is image-based rather than writing directly the address on their website. This is usually performed by scam websites so that nobody will be able to find their website by searching the company’s name and the address in Google. In addition the name of the company and address has also been found to be used by a variety of suspicious websites like Onwrtu, Xrivet, Casvfs, Liviof, Hstenic, Usoeit, Tlngti, Edurnt, Tenoje, Riesr, Kalilia, Oeiduwm, Erisvyy, Wssrsee, Rodneoy, Lobsca, Fernanc, Largenice, Severier, Bravetide, Lornaso, Youraugety, Boutiquesys, Cdosse, CarrierLove, etc. Therefore, we will not be able to trust this business for any type of online shopping.
At the time of this review it has disclosed its parent company’s name as well as the address Kristal F.I. Societa’a Responsabilita’ Limitata Semplificata: Registration number: MI-2595919 Milano (MI) Via Tonale 12 CAP 20125 However in the future, it might change the name of its parent company and address as other kinds of websites have changed their parent address and names of their companies in the past.
We have discovered that the emails “support@deja00vu .com and service@evokego .com and service@tillik .com” aren’t related to the domain name.
Discount and sales promotions:
It has listed a wide range of items on sale, with hefty discount claims. Most scam websites have been found to be offering these discounts in order to draw users to join their fraud.
Copy content:
The images of the products used in the catalogs of its products aren’t original so this site copied and pasted images from other websites or simply selling clothing or other items.
The theme of the website and a lot of other information available on its site are compatible with several problematic sites.
In addition, it has stated the domain name of another website , rather than its own on the policy pages i.e. Floralsstyle .com however it hasn’t provided any information about its relationship with that site, while legitimate businesses always make mention of their links to other sister websites, if they are connected to any.
Exchange and Returns:
The return and Exchange Policy is found as a complete nonsense to offer any type of exchange or return items to customers. We’ve found that this type of online store rarely makes any exchanges or refunds under any condition. Therefore, it’s almost impossible to receive the entire or even partial payment back from these websites due to the unclear terms of exchange or return.
Customer Complaints and Deliveries:
The delivery times and customer service as well as the post sales service of these kinds of stores on the internet are said to be poor , as per the complaints from customers of similar online stores.
Our Final Verdict:
In light of the reasons mentioned above the conclusion can be drawn that Ohrdeeh is among the sites that is considered to be suspicious.
You can browse through the plethora of websites that are considered to be suspicious in the “Suspicious” area by clicking >>HERE< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE. You can also browse our home page for articles on various categories by clicking >HERE.
If you would like to share something regarding this company, please be sure to leave a feedback below. Please forward this review to your family and friends via your social media profiles to let them know about the online store.
Today, a variety of new online stores claim that they are selling various products at massive discounts, however the majority of them are frauds. Therefore, it is recommended to stay clear of new online stores, or at the very least conduct some research prior to buying anything from the latest online stores since the majority of these online stores do not deliver products purchased to their customers or even deliver completely unrelated or low-quality products. Some of these online stores have charged credit cards of customers without permission. If you’ve previously purchased from fraudulent websites, we advise you to immediately call your credit card or bank firm to safeguard your credit card details.