If you’re searching to find Shoptr.Comandwrite .com to determine if it’s a scam or a reliable business, then you’ve found the right website because you can find here the complete Shoptr Comandwrite review to know the truth about the company.
What exactly is Shoptr.Comandwrite .com?
It’s an online store that sells baby clothes and socks, shoes underwear, toothbrush cup kettle, towel, Coats, Shoes, pajamas, trousers, dolls, american girl doll clothes, Bubble Machine, accessories and more. There are many things to be aware of about this retailer before you decide to make it your preferred shopping spot.
Shoptr Comandwrite is classified among the suspect websites based on the three factors:
Contact Information:
The Email address i.e. online@familycustomer .com is not related to its domain name and found to be used by multiple scam sites like Essale.ShopsFashion, Shoptr3.Education-Next, Fisale.2021OnlineShops, etc.
Copyed content:
The theme of the website and a lot of other information available on the website are consistent with a variety of scam websites.
Discounts and Sales Offers:
It lists a variety of items on sale, that boast of huge discounts. The majority of scam sites have been found to offer discount coupons to draw users to join their fraud.
Exchange and Returns:
The company’s Return Policy and Shipping And Return Policy is deemed as being extremely unrealistic to offer any form of exchange or return of products to its customers. It states that all shipping charges for the exchange of the goods will be the responsibility of the buyer. Therefore, we’ve found this type of online store very rarely allow returns or exchanges under any circumstances. Therefore, it’s almost impossible to obtain the full or even a portion of a repayment from these kinds of stores online due to their ambiguous return and/or exchange terms.
Customer Complaints and Delivery
The delivery times and customer service and the post sales support of these types of stores online are said to be poor , as per the complaints from customers of similar online stores.
Our Final Verdict:
The above reasons suffice to make the conclusion Shoptr.Comandwrite is not just one of the websites that are suspicious.
There are a variety of websites that are considered to be suspicious in the “Suspicious” area by clicking here< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE, or browse our home page for the most informative and useful articles by clicking >HER.
If you would like to share something regarding this company, please submit your comments below. You can also send this review to your family and friends via your social media profiles to inform them about this store online.
There are a lot of online stores are promising to offer various items at massive discounts, however the majority of them are frauds. It is therefore recommended to stay clear of new online stores, or at a minimum, conduct some research prior to purchasing items from these new online stores since the majority of these stores aren’t able to deliver the products purchased to their customers or even deliver completely other or low-quality products. Some of these online stores have charged credit cards of customers without permission. If you’ve previously purchased from fraudulent websites, we advise you to immediately notify your credit card or bank company to protect your credit card details.