Downloading torrents is the easiest way to get any file you want. However, you are susceptible to getting caught or having viruses on your device, as torrenting is associated with transferring or downloading illegal content.
So, you need to take a few precautions, and then you can significantly decrease the risk of any virus infection and mitigate the risks of getting caught as well. It is also essential that you must choose reputable and safe websites like thepirateproxybay for torrenting. They offer high-quality video content, and you can download almost anything free, from web series, movies, games, and documentaries.

Here is a guide to torrent safely from websites:

⦁ Look for torrents having many seeders.

If there are many seeders, it mostly means that the torrent is virus-free. The reason is that other users have properly checked and discovered no viruses, and after that started sharing it. It is certainly not a guarantee; it could help you whittle down the list. Many seeders would even result in a quicker transfer.

⦁ Ensure that your system has a reliable antivirus installed.

An excellent antivirus would provide you protection against malicious torrents. The Windows come with Windows Defender that is perfectly sufficient to catch many viruses. You could enable Windows Defender from a control panel as long as you do not have any other good antivirus program installed. You can even install the third-party antivirus if you like, like Kaspersky or BitDefender. Regardless of what you select, you must just have one antivirus program installed.

⦁ Avoid those file types which are prone to viruses.

You must avoid downloading some programs as they are prone to carrying and transmitting viruses, and they include executable files. The cracked programs are the most dangerous files you could download through torrents.

⦁ Go through the comments before you download

Going through the comments before downloading might not be the safest solution, but the torrent comment section will help you know whether there are viruses or not as posted by other users. If you find lots of comments but nothing about potential viruses, then your chances of not having viruses are better. On the contrary, if comments talk about viruses, you must probably avoid that torrent altogether.

⦁ Download files in a sandbox environment

The sandbox environment will isolate your files, enabling you to check those files for malware without any risk. When sandboxed, it prevents malware from infecting and leaking your device. You can even use a sandbox program such as Sandboxie, which is simple to install and use. Another good option is installing a virtual machine on your devices that act as another operating system.

⦁ Choose a trustworthy torrent client.

For downloading torrents, you first need to find reliable torrent clients. It is not easy to choose a torrent client as several hoaxes, and faulty torrents are also available. Moreover, a single file is not available with a single torrent. It would help if you found different reliable torrents to download one file.
 The torrent client brings together the files and manages them to ensure that you get the complete package once the downloading is over.
For choosing torrent clients, you want one which is easier to use, customizable, and lightweight. It must enable you a decent level of customization, along with functionality, so that you can torrent safely.

⦁ Get your VPN connected always.

You must remember to connect to the VPN before opening or downloading content from the torrent client, as this can be a serious safety breach. Most of the time, torrent clients immediately will begin seeding as soon as you open them, exposing your IP address entirely. Never forget to close your torrent client properly when you finish, as closing just the window is not good enough. Also, ensure that you are 100% sure that your torrent clients are closed before you disconnect from your VPN.

⦁ Try using a private torrenting site

The private torrenting websites work on an invite-only basis as well as moderate their torrents regularly. They act as a community where users just share files among members. Popular private torrents sites are – PassThe Popcorn, IP Torrents, and invites could be obtained by being super active on places as Reddit.
You must not forget that you are taking a sizeable risk if you download torrents, especially over an unsafe and unprotected internet connection.
Therefore, using reputable and trusted websites like the pirate proxy bay for safe and fast torrenting needs.


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