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When looking to attract employees who will help you stand apart from your competitors, knowing how to attract them is the name of the game. Getting creative with your efforts is not only a necessity, but it allows companies to revamp their identities in a long-lasting, valuable manner. Understanding the ways other companies are attracting the top talent is a key quality when developing your recruitment strategies as well. There are seven creative ways for employers to attract top talent: 

1. Make Your Brand Feel Unique 

Chances are that you have at least a few comparable, competing companies within your niche. To make candidates feel more attracted to your job postings, you must stand out from competitors in a creative, unique fashion. The values of your company, the intensity of your dedication to employees, and the forward-thinking services that your company offers can all be used to your advantage during the recruitment process. The more creative and patently unique you can get in your job postings, the more likely you’ll be to attract the top talent looking for a job within your specific industry. 

2. Add Incentives for Employee Referrals that Lead to Talent Acquisition 

Sometimes the most qualified talent out there might already be connected to your company’s social network via an already existing employee within your company’s roster. By offering incentives, bonuses, or other perks to employees who can fill valuable roles within the company, you will supercharge your job recruitment process significantly. Knowing how to communicate these benefits to your employees, and putting a time limit on the referral process, can add an extra layer of motivation that will make the process much more successful. 

3. Pay More than Your Competitors 

Although it may seem basic, the amount you pay is a huge factor in attracting qualified employees to your company. Making your pay for a position transparent is especially key here, as it’s becoming the norm, and candidates are becoming less and less likely to apply to any position that is not upfront about how much it pays. To save both your time and your candidates’ time, let all applicants know how much they can expect to be paid (whether it be salary or hourly) from the get-go. 

4. Use Modern Recruitment Technologies 

The future is now. If you want to look hip and attractive to modern candidates, you need to be advertising your positions as widely as possible, especially when it comes to online postings. With quality recruitment technology tools, you’ll easily attract more candidates than your competitors within your industry. Any investment you make in recruitment technologies will pay for itself easily once you find your dream candidate. After all, a company is only as good as its employees. 

5. Stay Personal and Expressive 

Nothing can scare away candidates faster than an overly run-of-the-mill, personality-lacking job posting. Making your company look fun and exciting to work for is a key factor in attracting qualified candidates. Personality helps keep the job fun day in and day out, and without demonstrating that you understand that within your job postings, you’ll quickly fall behind the competition. Understanding how to add an actual identity to your company and its mission is crucial in standing out, attracting candidates, and building a reputation for your company that will last. 

6. Utilize Mobile-Friendly Recruitment Strategies 

Did you know that the vast majority of employees find their jobs via online job sites? More specifically, they are finding them online via mobile devices. If you want to attract top, modern talent, you need to have job postings that are as optimized for mobile viewing (and application) as possible. If you fail to do so, you’ll likely lose up to a third or more of the candidates searching for jobs within your company’s niche. 

7. Revamp Your Job Listings 

Job listings are a living, breathing thing in many ways. If you do not treat them as such, your company is destined to lose out on valuable applicants. Revamping your job listings each year, and updating them in ways that help attract modern-minded talent, will keep your company’s operations fresh and successful. If you fail to implement this key strategy alongside the others we’ve discussed in the points above, your efforts will be much less effective than they have the potential to be. 

Creativity is Attractive

A creative workplace is much more attractive to the top talent you’re seeking than a run-of-the-mill operation. If you want to stand out in the busy, competitive business environment today’s economic landscape has created, you need to begin implementing each of these seven creative recruitment strategies ASAP. Once you’ve found your dream employee, you’ll be glad that you did. 


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