Crystal Decanters

A luxury decanter is the ultimate way for a whiskey lover to enjoy their beverage. It allows the full flavors and aromas of the whiskey to be released, which removes any impurities that might be present in the whiskey itself.

Decanters are usually made from high-quality materials like lead-free crystal or clear glasses. They often feature intricate designs that add a touch of style to any bar or kitchen countertop. They’re also useful since they let you pour individual drinks and store them for later usage.

Crystal decanters are a beautiful way to serve your guests. But how do you care for it so that it lasts for years? Here are some tips to help you keep your crystal decanter in pristine condition:

Always Use A Coaster

You should always use a coaster when placing your crystal decanter on any surface because a crystal decanter is a fragile piece of glass and should be protected from heat and moisture.

Using a coaster when serving drinks will help your decanter so that it does not come into direct contact with any surfaces.

Don’t Overfill Your Decanter

If you overfill your decanter, the liquor will spill and potentially damage the glass. Pour just enough liquor into the decanter so that it reaches the neck. This will leave room for ice if desired.

Handle With Care

When handling your crystal decanter, always hold it by the base so that you don’t accidentally drop and break it. If you need to move the decanter, make sure to carry it in both hands.

Also, avoid tapping or knocking on the side of the decanter, as this can also lead to breakage.

Hand Wash Only

Don’t put your crystal decanters in the dishwasher. Wash them instead by washing them by hands using warm water and mild soaps.

Gently scrub any dirt or residue with a soft sponge. Thoroughly rinse the object and dry it with a gentle, lint-free cloth.

Be Careful With Detergents

Detergent residue can dull the shine of the glass. Some detergents can be too harsh for delicate crystals and may cause crazing or cloudiness.

If you must use detergent, make sure it is gentle and designed specifically for use on glassware. Make sure it is diluted and rinsed off thoroughly. 

Avoid Using Abrasive Materials

Abrasive materials can scratch or damage the surface of the glass. When cleaning your decanter, avoid using any scrubbing pads or brushes that might be too harsh. Choose a soft sponge or cloth instead.

Don’t Let The Decanter Air Dry

After washing your decanter, avoid letting it air dry. Water spots will form and dull the shine of the glass. Instead, dry your decanter with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Avoid Using Hot Water

Hot water can cause the lead in the crystal to leach out, making the decanter less clear and reducing its brilliance. When washing your decanter, use only cool or warm water.

Don’t Store Your Decanter In The Fridge

A quick change in temperature can make the glass crack. If you must store your decanter in the fridge, make sure it is wrapped in a towel or placed in an insulated bag to avoid thermal shock.

Bring Your Decanter To Room Temperature Before Serving

If your decanter has been stored in the fridge, allow it to come to room temperature before serving. This will help prevent thermal shock and keep the glass from cracking.

Inspect Your Decanter Regularly

Inspecting your decanter regularly for cracks or chips is a good idea. If you notice any damage, stop using the decanter and replace it with a new one.

Store Your Decanter Properly

When you’re not using your decanter, make sure it is stored in a cool, dry place. It’s best not to keep it in direct sunlight or next to a heat source. If possible, store it in its original box or in a padded storage bag to prevent damage.

Use Distilled Water For A Sparkling Clean Decanter

If your decanter is starting to look dull, you can use distilled water to bring back its shine. Simply fill the decanter with distilled water and let it sit for a few hours. 

Then, empty the decanter and rinse it with cool water. The difference will be amazing!


If you are looking for a sophisticated and timeless addition to your barware collection, then crystal decanters should be at the top of your list. Not only do they add elegance and class to any setting, but they also provide a functional purpose. Whether you are using them to store or pour drinks, crystal decanters are sure to impress your guests. 

Just be sure to follow the proper care and cleaning instructions to keep your decanter looking its best.

At Malt & Brew, we offer a wide selection of high-quality whiskey decanters for your home bar. We have a wide range of desks to choose from, whether you want a classic design or something more modern. Browse our selection today and find the ideal decanter for your next gathering!


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