Data structures are the foundation of any computer language. Since the decision to use a specific data structure has a major impact on the performance and functionality of Java programmes, it is worth the effort to master data structures in Java with the help of Data Structures And Algorithms Training In Hyderabad.

In this article, we will be deep diving into the information about data structures and algorithms in Java. If you are thinking about pursuing an education in data structures, this article will be of great help to you!

What are Data Structures?

A data structure is a format for organising, processing, collecting, and storing data. Data structures are a combination of simple and complex forms that are all designed to organise data for a specific purpose. Because of data structures, users can easily obtain and utilise the data they need.

What does Java mean?

Java was developed by Sun Microsystems and is a high-level programming language. This programming language is efficient, object-oriented, and reliable. Java adheres to the WORA philosophy, which stands for “Write Once Run Anywhere.” After it has been compiled, a java programme can be run as many times as you like on a platform that supports Java.

What are Data Structures in Java?

Data Structure in Java is the collection of data pieces that provides an effective way to store and organise data in a computer system.

What are the types of Data Structures in Java?

There are two main types of data structures in Java, i.e., primitive data structures and non-primitive data structures.

1. Primitive Data Structures

Primitive data structures are types of data structures that can only store a single value in a specific location.

2. Non-primitive Data Structures

Non-primitive data structures are further divided into two parts, i.e., linear and non-linear data structures.

(i) Linear Data Structures

Linear data structures are made up of elements that are organised in a linear pattern. Each element in this arrangement is only connected to one other element. The following are examples of linear data structures:

A. Stack

B. Arrays 

  • Single dimensional Array
  • Multidimensional Array

C. Linked List 

  • Singly-linked list
  • Doubly Linked list
  • Circular Linked List

D. Queue

(ii) Non-linear Data Structures

Non-Linear Data Structures are made up of elements that are ordered non-linear manner. Each element in this arrangement is linked to n number of other elements. The following are examples of non-linear data structures:

A. Graph

B. Hash

  • Hash Set
  • Hash Map

C. Trees

  • Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • AVL Tree
  • Red- Black Tree

D. Heap

  • Max Heap
  • Min Heap


One of the most important subjects for programmers to learn is data structures and algorithms. Data structures and algorithms are general-purpose ideas that can be used in any language. The best feature about data structures and algorithms is that they are timeless, and any financial or time commitment you make will yield significant returns over an extended period of time.


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