Men and women with strong characteristics love to have tattoos as a unique representation. There will be no difference in putting tattoos on gender, but what is the truth about “Do tattoos hurt worse for men?”
Check out this article as we discover which gender suffers more when tattooing a needle on the body! Join us now if this is the topic you’re dying to find the answer to!
Do Tattoos Hurt Worse For Men?
Men and women react differently to pain, but many scientific studies show that tattoos do not hurt worse for men than for women.
Due to women’s skin characteristics, and many external factors, women tend to react to pain more aggressively than men. Women also have lower pain tolerance than the opposite sex, which makes tattooing hurtful.
However, this fact only applies to roughly 80-90% of women, as there can still be men who can suffer tattoo needling less than women.
Source: Healthline
Looking at the tattoo pain chart two genders, who can notice the difference between the two, in which females experience pain in more regions, or more severe pain in mutual regions, etc.
Source: Healthline
For example, a tattoo pain chart male shows that men will experience more pain in the head, ribs, feet, etc. On the other hand, women will have a difficult time having their collarbone, buttocks, ankles, and feet tattooed.
How Bad Will A Tattoo Hurt?
There is no definite answer to describe how exactly a tattoo will hurt, but if you need a brief description, it is like a combination of regularly burning and scratching.
The needle with ink will be pumped under a stable frequency into your skin to create the pattern you want, and the more complicated that figure is, the more badly hurt your skin will be.
Source: Justin Boey
The tattoo’s pain range can range from mild to excruciating, depending on the tattoo’s size, complication, and position on the body.
What Are The Factors Affecting A Tattoo’s Pain Level?
Many factors affect how severe a tattoo can be on a body. They are:
Age and Weight
Being overweight may make one suffer from tattooing more severely, as the stretched-out skin will react more sensitively to needles. If you have a slim body, tattooing will likely be a comfortable experience. However, it can be deadly in bony areas.
After tattooing, let the skin area recover by using tattoo enhancing lotion to make sure the tattoo stays impacted for a long time.
There is a cool psychological hack when it comes to getting a tattoo: the person who has had a tattoo before will suffer less than a first-comer, knowing how much the pain will be to expect.
On the other hand, first-tattoo takers usually exaggerate the pain, and that’s when they feel more pain when the needle comes to their skin and does its business.
The Artist’s Level
The artist’s expert level can also affect how much pain you will feel when getting a tattoo. Professional artists may understand clients’ bodies more, knowing the sensitive areas or having personal tips to make the process more comfortable and handleable.
And that’s our answer to “Do tattoos hurt worse for men?” Now that the gentlemen know the answers to be confident about getting a tattoo. And for the girls, don’t be afraid, because you can do it too!
Thank you for reading our article, and good luck getting your tattoos without being hurt too much!