The Vaxicode App requires technical requirements:

Vaxicode App is a popular app for mobile phones. Vaxicode App is well-known for its use by people in general, and should be downloaded for mobile phones. For Apple devices the app is free in the store for apple and for android devices it is available for free on the Google Play Store.

It is essential to use an iPod to allow the application to function on devices made by Apple. An iPhone 6 and an iPad that runs ios11 software are required to be installed. Any of the most recent versions of the software will perform.

The app that’s needed to work on android devices must be installed in version 8.1. An internet connection that is strong is required to download and update the application. It is important to maintain updated to ensure the application runs correctly and also helps in showing the most recent QR code, such as the date when the latest dose of vaccine is at. When the app has been updated, the most recent recommendations of the public health department have been added. It is suggested that update of the application is required every 7 days.

Data protection:

The information is secured by this app. If evidence of vaccination has been recorded in this application the data will be saved by using a number. Vaxicode’s communications don’t take place over the internet, which is why the app always has document that serves as a safe wallet.

The authenticity of Vaxicode verifiable

Anyone using vaxicode to examine the proof of vaccination will not see any personal information about you. Furthermore, “green” which is sufficiently protected and “red” that isn’t protected, vaxicode will only be showing the name of the person who is the owner of the proof of vaccination. There is no other identity or information about medical records are displayed. The person checking the evidence won’t be able to see your birth date, the vaccines have you received or the results of your screening test for covid-19.

However, there is no information saved in the device or on the telephone during the process of confirming the evidence of vaccination. The information you provide is only displayed for 10 seconds, however it is not transmitted. There is no record to verify the evidence, and information is able to be found out. This makes it impossible to examine the verifications that comprise the movement and the proof presented.

The recommended use for this product:

It is recommended to add security. At the time of verification, you are necessary to only show the QR code, and not reveal your personal data. It is also noted that other readers may be have the ability to read the QR code , too. So, in addition to making sure that the software used to read the QR code has been certified by Vaxicode verif. The government of Quebec must approve the application. To do this the application vaxicode has its logo for Quebec displayed on its screen that displays confirmations. You must ask the person to show the screen before you start the cod


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