Getting a dog can be an exciting time in your life, and it can be a moment that you have been waiting for. However, to ensure that you enjoy the process as much as possible, you must stop and take time to think about the journey you are embarking on. Pet ownership is not simple, and owning a dog is a commitment that may last 15 years+. So, to ensure you make the right choices and decisions, what do you need to consider?

Breed, Age, and Size

To begin with, you need to narrow down what qualities and characteristics you are looking for. Whether you are adopting a senior dog or buying a puppy from a breeder, it is important to know what you are looking for. For example, if you live in an apartment, are you looking for a smaller breed of dog that perhaps doesn’t need mega long walks during the day? Or are you looking for a breed that does not shed a lot? Are you invested in having a puppy and training it, or would you prefer to take on an older (or senior) dog?

Your Time Commitment

How much time do you currently have to commit to your new dog, and is there any chance that this time commitment will change in the near future? When you know how long you have to commit on a daily basis, you can then establish how long you have to walk, feed, train, and play with your dog. If you do not ascertain what time you have to commit to your new dog, you may find that you will be rushing around and simply going through the motions (as opposed to enjoying and relishing pet ownership).

Choosing a Vet’s

Your dog (or puppy) will need regular checkups at the vets, and it will also need annual vaccinations and inoculations. When you are choosing a vet’s practice, you must consider how the vet will treat your new addition. Some vets treat your dog like it is simply a number, and this is, of course, not what you want. Finding a vet that cares about your dog as much as you do needs to be at the top of your list. Starting your search online and checking out vet practices such as will help you establish what you must have in your vets. Committing to finding the best level of care will give you valuable peace of mind.

Accidents Will Happen

When you bring a puppy or dog home, you have to remember that everything will be new to them. Accidents are bound to happen from time to time. Whether this is a potty training accident or chewing accident – all scenarios are to be expected. To avoid accidents, you need to pet-proof your home, and you also need to establish sleeping and eating arrangements. Dogs and puppies thrive through routine and similarity – so giving them their own safe place to sleep and giving them regular mealtimes will help to reduce any unnecessary accidents.


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