The doctors have said it and are saying it a million times.

Plus, food enthusiasts, chefs; culinary artists; food researchers, and scientists are saying the same thing. 

Diseases happen majorly from eating!


Is it so?

According to the surveys and research and various medical reports, malnutrition and choice of unhealthy food led people to suffer from mild to moderate illnesses, some of which later translated to major illnesses. 

An unhealthy lifestyle can also be regarded as a culprit in this case.

But nutrition and the choice of foods matter. They matted years ago, and they matter even more these days because of the rise in chemicals and preservatives used to retain food items for a long period of time. 

Some studies have indicated wrong cooking practices like burning or fermenting food to a moderate to extreme level may promote serious health issues.

In order to stay away from all these troubles, you can identify the problem at the root and solve it right there. 

Read this blog as it will try to reinforce some particular eating habits that are pretty exciting and a much healthier alternative to dangerous, flawed or improper eating practices. 

Eating Practices You’re about to Make for a Healthy Life!

Don’t be scared. We’re not going to stop making you eat what you love particularly. Relax and use the money you have from the small loan in Ireland online and make plans for your kitchen renovation, as your kitchen will invite healthy cooking.

Just remember to practise self-control.  

Go for a Vegan Diet

And that means plant-based food. 

Yes, it means removing animal-based products such as milk and cheese. Although they are known as vegetarian products, they aren’t vegan. 

And if you are afraid to leave meat and go fully vegan, then it can be advised that you follow the vegan diet for at least three days a week.

 Going full vegan is best. But don’t do so without speaking to your doctor.

Veganism is a leading trend in the UK. Now, you find vegan restaurants here and there that offer you quality vegan food.

And why all of this veganism?

Vegan food is potentially s safer than non-vegetarian food because any plant-based diet does not give rise to toxins in the body. With non-vegetarian food (meat in particular), your toxicity level reaches way high compared to vegan foods.

Since vegan food is low in calories, they also help you lose weight and stay healthy.  

Researches have proven vegans also live longer compared to non-vegetarians.   

Please Please Stay Away from Processed Food and Added Sugar

Processed food can even cause cancer.

We don’t have any intention to scare you like that. But, excessive consumption of processed food can lead to severe illnesses. 

The processed foods we are talking about are filled with harmful chemicals and preservatives that are not good for the body.  

Studies and research have found that most of these foods block the insulin resistance system.    

So, as an outcome, your endocrine system is compromised, and you tend to develop high blood sugar.

Later, it can lead to Diabetes. 

Some of these foods are so high I cholesterol that they contribute to heart diseases. 

It is better to cook at home and make your favorite dishes.  

For example, the burger you have from the local food outlet or the food truck can be avoided with a healthier option in the home kitchen.

Oh yes, do not use high dairy fats like butter and cheese as they do not contribute to any health factors in the food.

Limit Alcohol Consumption Now

Alcohol can be more dangerous than red meat. 

Again, it is not to say that you have to stop alcohol consumption (it is good if you are able to do that, and you don’t need to consult your doctor for that).

Alcohol contributes to different chemicals in the body, and they can disrupt your immune system immensely. 

It has been discovered that Alcohol can be responsible for a number of cancers like colorectal, oral; liver; breast and throat.  

You need to control your alcohol consumption seriously!

Not just cancers, too much consumption of Alcohol can also give rise to diseases like heart ailments and dementia.

 Isn’t it better just to avoid it?

Do Avoid Red Meat

Red meat can be dangerous and troublesome for those meat lovers out there.

Try to avoid red meats, which means all types of red meats. 

Red meats are not suitable for colorectal health. Plus, they are dangerous for our heart as well as most red meats like beef and pork come with super high levels of Cholesterol. 

Switch to lean meat like chicken and fish. Although you would find chicken to be a healthier alternative, it is not correct that chicken is free of Cholesterol. 

It is probably best if you stick to fish and fish only. But, do some research about the fish you are choosing and make sure it is not GMO (GMO veggies are dangerous too) or fishes that are heavily affected by mercury pollution (like Pangasias sand Tilapia).

To Conclude 

Well, still reading this blog or planning to use that small loan in Ireland you have just received in your account?

Whatever you do, remember your eating habits can make either a good life or an ill life.

You can still make it a good life.

So, be healthy. Be happy. 


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