Lifting Weights

When you do strength training, lifting weights helps to build your strength, endurance, and muscles. In addition, with repeated resistance training, you get stronger muscles. But how do you prevent getting injured during your weight lifting sessions? We spoke to some weight loss coaches in California for advice.  

Always Warm Up Before You Do Weight Lifting 

No matter what exercise you do, it helps to warm up for five minutes by doing aerobics and stretching. Some safety tips are as follows:  

  • Always follow proper exercise techniques; if unsure, refer to a fitness professional or gym instructor to help.  
  • Start with workouts slowly to gradually work your way up until you can lift a couple of grams. Once your muscles get used to the training, and you can do 12 repetitions using a weight, you can increase it.  
  • Working with maintained equipment as faulty ones lead to injury.  
  • Never hold your breath and breathe normally when lifting to exhale when on a more challenging phase while inhaling during more manageable stages.  
  • Try to control your weight without throwing them up/down or swinging them through the range of motion. 
  • Keep a strong form as it prevents injury, and only lift weights that you’re capable of lifting.  
  • Utilize a full range of motion when lifting so that your weight travels through a full range of the joint.  
  • Wear gloves and dress comfortably when you do weight training while keeping the correct posture and body positioning.  
  • Once completing a set, gently put the weight on the floor without dropping them.  
  • Neither should you train when you feel very tired or ill.  
  • Stop training when you have an injury and visit your doctor to help.  
  • Give your muscle groups a rest time for 24 hours before your next workout on the same muscle groups.  

Safety Tips Using Heavier Weights  

Once you progress to heavier weights, the above safety points remain, but you can take some added precautions to prevent injury. First, keep using the proper lifting techniques by keeping the back straight and lifting from your thighs when picking up your weights. Where possible, train with a partner to help lift certain weights and always listen to advice from qualified gym instructors. Visit to learn more. 

Final Thoughts  

The above tips can help prevent injury when lifting weights, whether you are a beginner to an advanced bodybuilder. The critical thing to remember is to always consult with your doctor before you start any exercise program.  

Before starting your weight training, consult a weight loss coach or a professional strength trainer to provide you with a program designed for your workout needs. Always start slow and keep it within your capabilities. If unsure what you’re doing with a specific exercise is incorrect, always ask a fitness professional to help.   


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