If you’re searching to find Moyje .com to determine if it’s a scam or a reliable business, then you’ve found the right website since you can read the full Moyje review to get the details.

What is Moyje .com?

It’s an online retail store that sells a variety of products including cardigans, sweaters and casual dresses, two-piece sets Tops Autumn Stripes Top, Khaki Print Round Neck Top Off-White Color Block Stripe , Long Sleeve Top, Brown Round Neck Top and a large Ivory front-pocket sweater, Chic Green Print Top, Long Sleeve Top, Asymmetrical Sage Green Ring Zipper Sweatshirt Top abstract Black as well as Heather Creme Print Asymmetrical Top, etc. But, there are many things to be aware of regarding this online retailer before you choose it as your preferred shopping site.

Our team has categorize Moyje to be one of those sites that are problematic due to the following issues:

Contact Information:

The name of its parent company is listed in it’s Terms of Service and Contact Us pages as XBP INTERNATIONAL LTD. You will find many other websites that use the same name of the parent company including Zekev, Essped, Erwiy, Olwev, Veosy, Mezyc, Lusef, Unzye, Ryluc, Tluse, Nnesi, Enxyf, Seetya, Vewyu, Nycae, Ducyl, Heuos, Pawyi, Nyady, Asvaf, Moroby, Vrilu, Lsoru, Anutal, Crigne, Elbyo, Luyla, Klynu, Krury, Anzyo, Kacline, Anliia, Rycula, Ceyey, Lepyl, Pewoll, Nenul, Coacia, Holliea, Orvaf, Aljok, Deuyo, Kofyr, Cinaey, Yayyz, Llusy, Moohia, Olzune, Geymy, Zaruy, Cayred, Vaugu, Esduz, Fodyc, Stobey, Daphio, Prytty, Cysue, Erhars, Anxat, Klylo, Vanayia, Syewo, Melyp, Fufes, Alxye, Abilvia, etc. Therefore, we will not be able to trust this company to do any online shopping.

At the moment of this review it is providing its parent company’s name as well as address as XBP INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, but in the near future, it might change the name of its parent company and address, as similar websites did alter its parent companies’ names and addresses in the past.

Securing the website:

It has displayed an untrue trust seal of McAfee on the Checkout page. Therefore, if you shop on this website you could be exposing your financial and personal details, such as credit card number could be stolen.

Discounts and sales offers:

It lists a variety of products for sale at very low prices. The majority of scam websites are known to offer these discounts to draw customers to their fraud.

Copyed content:

The images of the products used in the catalog of its products aren’t original, meaning that this website has copied and pasted images from other sites or is simply selling other items or clothing.

The website theme and many other information available on the website correspond to a variety of dangerous websites.

Returns and Exchange:

Its Return/Exchange policy is seen to be unreal to provide any form of exchange or return of items to customers. We’ve found that this type of online store rarely makes exchanges or returns under any condition. It is nearly impossible to obtain the full or even partial repayment from these kinds of online stores because of their confusing return or exchange policies.

Customer Complaints and Delivery:

The time to deliver as well as customer support and the post sales support of these types online stores online stores are said to be inadequate as per complaints of customers of similar online stores.

Our Final Verdict:

In summarising all the given facts, we are able to draw the conclusion that Moyje is among the websites that are considered to be suspicious.

You can browse through the plethora of websites that are considered to be suspicious in the “Suspicious” category by clicking >>>HERE< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE, or browse our home page for the most informative and useful articles by clicking >HER.

If you’d like to express your opinion on something regarding this business, be sure to leave a feedback below. Please forward this review to your family and friends via your social media profiles to let them know about the online store.

Today, a variety of new online stores are promising that they are selling various products at enormous discounts, but the majority of them are frauds. It is therefore recommended to avoid new online stores or conduct some research prior to you buy something from new online stores since the majority of these brand new online stores fail to deliver bought items to their customers or even deliver completely unrelated or low-quality products. Certain scam online stores have even taken credit cards from customers without consent. If you’ve had the misfortune of purchasing from scam websites, we advise you to immediately call your credit card or bank company to protect your credit card details.


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