It is likely that you’ve been searching for Neemo Mart review to determine if it is NeemoMart .com scam or genuine What is the real world, isn’t it? If yes you’ve landed at the right spot since here, in our section, you’ll be able to discover the full facts about this business.

What is NeemoMart .com?

It’s an online store selling a range of items, including sweatshirts, sweatpants, Goddess drummer Gaia featuring “Tree of life” Siberian drum Spirit music 6 Qt. Old Fashioned Ice Cream Maker with Motor, A Santa Story 45″ Full Legged Lamp Cream the Blue Flame Ultimate Pitching Machine IPTV Box with built-in WiFi, HDMI Cable and Remote and Power Adapter Versa Quad Watch Winder in Black – Controlled by an Independent Controller with multiple Direction as well as Timer Setting – Adjustable Pillow – Plenty of Room for large watches BASS12* EMPTY WOOFER BOX QPOWER; (2)12” SLOT PORTED QBASS12 Ventilated, 28″ Fire Pit Table, etc. But, there are many things to be aware of before deciding it as your preferred shopping destination.

We have identified NeemoMart among the sites with a history of fraud due to the following reasons:

Company Address:

The address of the company is listed in the form of 1509 Cummings Dr, Richmond, VA 2320, USA. There’s no company with the name NeemoMart that is mentioned at or near this address in Google Maps. However, there are other businesses listed on Google Maps. It is evident that this website attempts to conceal the facts, and we would not be able to trust this company to conduct any online shopping.

Discounts and sales offers:

It claims to offer many items at ridiculously affordable prices that none the legitimate retailers can afford to sell regardless of Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Copyed content:

Many details are available on its website, such as its theme that matches with a variety of fraudulent websites.

Returns and Exchange:

It comes with a Refund and Returns Policy that is considered to be a bit unrealistic for exchange and return of goods. It is nearly impossible to obtain the entire amount back from these kinds of sites because of their unclear policies.

Customer Complaints and Delivery:

The support for customers as well as the delivery time of similar sites to this site are also quite poor as per complaints of users of similar websites.

Our Final Verdict:

The above facts can be used to conclude that NeemoMart is among the fraudulent websites.

There are a variety of sites that are suspicious listed in the “Suspicious” category by clicking here< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE, or browse our home page for the most informative and useful articles by clicking >HER.

If you’d like to express your opinion on something regarding this business, submit your feedback below. Please send this review to your families and friends through your social media profiles to let them know about the online store.

There are a lot of online stores are promising to offer various products on massive discounts, however the majority of them are frauds. It is therefore recommended to stay clear of new online stores, or at a minimum, conduct some research prior to purchasing anything from these online stores as the majority of these online stores do not deliver products purchased to their customers or even deliver completely other or low-quality products. Certain scam websites have charged credit cards of customers without permission. If you’ve had the misfortune of purchasing from fraudulent websites, we advise you to immediately notify your credit card or bank company to protect your credit card details.


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