Ip Address

There are numerous dating sites that offer genuine connections that are based on preference and choice. The majority of dating websites are for heterosexuals (opposite gender) however, today a lot of people are gay or bisexual. For them, there is a unique dating site to find a partner based on their likings, and one such site is

It’s a dating website specifically for bisexual and gay community. The usual dating sites do not offer more options to the gay and bisexual community, therefore Adam4Adam offers opportunities to bisexuals and gays. Adam4Adam also monitors the individual IP addresses to enhance their service and collect data for internal purposes.

What is Adam4Adam?

Adam4Adam is an online gay dating website that was launched in 2003 and has since has more than 10 million users. The most appealing aspect is that it is completely free for users and has created a variety of options for bisexual and gay community. One can look through members to find a compatible companion for them.

The site has several filters that have been updated and can help users locate an appropriate partner. The filter you choose is similar to the one you have in your area or someone who recently joined, and so on. The site has authentic photos and additional information such as their preferences, hobbies as well as body type and more. Ip Address Ip Address

It is extremely simple to sign up for the website as it requires an email address, name and password. The information you provide to the website is kept private and is not divulged to anyone. Therefore, it is easy to register and locate the perfect partner.

Why is it that Adam4Adam is the best choice?

It is among the top dating websites that is specifically designed targeted at the gay community. It’s hard to find a companion for the gay community, so Adam4Adam is the possibility of bisexuals or gay people can meet a partner in accordance with their preferences. A few of the reasons why you should choose this gay online dating website are:

The website provides the most enjoyable dating experience , by offering all of the features for free. Yes, you are able to message and view a full size image and even review or send your pictures for free. The dating website primarily helps people to find the right person and provides all the possibilities to meet for no cost.

It’s the top gay dating website where over 2 million bisexuals and gays are signed up. It provides an opportunity to meet the right partner for you based on your preferences and interests. You have more chances to find a partner within such a huge group of people.

Adam4Adam is accessible to all. It is a place where young and old and people of all races, Asians, bears, and everyone else is allowed to join the website for free. It is not discriminatory, and therefore, anyone will find the perfect partner.

In order to make it accessible to everyone, Adam4Adam is compatible with devices and computers. The app is accessible on each of Android and iOS on their respective play store. To gain easy access to the website, you can access your account on the device.

Adam4Adam offers a service to find someone to talk to them. If you feel confident and are willing to go further with the relationship It is simple to meet in person. This website makes it simple to locate the perfect person to enhance your life.

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What should you do What should you do if Adam4Adam was blocked?

There are many regions where people are unable to access the site, and so here are some options that unblock :

DNS Servers: It’s possible to connect to Adam4Adam by making modifications to your adapter’s DNS servers. To make these changes, follow these steps:

Visit Network and the Sharing Centre.

Right click to open “Active Internet Connections” -> Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4

Once again, click on properties and select “Use the following DNS server Address”.

Change the address of the DNS edit box for the server in the edit box of DNS server to “” -> Also in the Alternate DNS edit box, type “”.

Finally, click OK.

VPN If you wish join Adam4Adam and are looking to connect, you should install the VPN service in case the website is blocked. VPN can help hide the IP address, and allows it possible to connect to the blocked website like Adam4Adam. The cost of a few dollars to get the best VPN is worth it.

Change your proxy settings There are times when a web toolbar , or spyware may have altered the settings of your proxy. Therefore, resetting the proxy settings on your web browser could aid in accessing Adam4Adam on your system. If you want to alter these settings, you must follow the following procedure:

Visit the web browser’s advanced settings under the browser’s settings.

Select”Network or Connections” tab. Additionally, choose LAN settings.

You can enable “No Proxy” to remove any proxy that might hinder to allow Adam4Adam.


What is the reason why it tracks that the Ip Address?

Adam4Adam also monitors its IP addresses of users, and this is used to identify issues that users face. The site can also obtain demographic information that is not divulged to anyone else and is used only by the website.

What should you do if the website isn’t accessible?

It is possible to try the standard method of cleaning the cache of your browser by pressing the shortcut Ctrl+F5. It’s also possible that your firewall has blocked the website, or you’ll need to change your IP address in the manner described above. To allow the site to be accessed you should clear of the DNS cache.

What is it that makes Adam4Adam distinct from other brands?

Adam4Adam doesn’t have any restrictions. This means that users can browse through any number of profiles they wish to, and exchange and send messages, pictures and so create a healthy and productive communication.


Adam4Adam is a place that bisexual and gay people can meet a new partner for themselves. The principal goal of the website is to locate the person who will be the companion of this exclusive community. It lets you look through their profiles, communicate with them, and finally, lets you meet them. All in all, this site is for those who struggle to find a suitable partner for themselves.

You will never feel ashamed or shyness since there is nobody to criticize the person. Gay dating sites give users the chance to meet an individual who shares your interests and, thus, make it easier to meet new people. If you are in search of a partner join now and meet the perfect match for you.


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