TFT Patch

With Patch 12.15 going live, many units and traits have been hit with several nerfs and debuffs. What can gamers expect from the current update?

The meta in Teamfight Tactics keeps changing depending on the recent patches. With the latest changes, it would seem that the dominating comps would still remain at the top of the board. Patch 12.15 did several buffs and nerfs, affecting gamers’ gameplay. What should players know about the latest Patch to avoid losing LP in their League of Legends accounts?

Patch 12.15 Buffs and Nerfs

It’s time to shake up the meta as multiple units and traits will receive some buffs. Some comps are looking more viable to run for some quick Elo boosts. Hopefully, these changes aren’t overpowering that would make some teams unbalanced. Here are all the buffs from the latest Patch:


  • Eye of the Storm – This augment has barely seen the light of day as most players would avoid taking it. Eye of the Storm will receive a slight tap to increase its pick rate. Bonus Ability Power for the units at the center of the board will receive 45 from 40. Ability Power after the lightning strike has been increased to 135 from 120.
  • Intercosmic Gifts – Astrals is one of the top meta comps in the game. However, it relies too much on RNG to work effectively. The latest Patch has increased the drop rate of the second Intercosmic Gifts to 100% from 50% to ensure that trait relies less on chance.


  • Shimmerscale – Shimmerscales has been struggling recently, especially in their early game setup. This Patch is buffing up two items from this trait. Mogul’s Mail Health stack has been increased to 8 from 5. Needlessly Big Gem now only requires two units alive for 1 gold instead of three.


  • Ezreal’s Mystic Shot damage has been increased to 200/250/325 from 175/225/300.
  • Kayn’s Health has increased to 750 from 700, while his Attack damage has been to 60 from 55.
  • Ashe’s Volley Damage has been increased from 125/175/225 to 125/175/250.
  • Twitch’s attack speed has increased from 0.65 to 0.7.
  • Lee Sin’s Attack Speed and Dragon’s Rage Damage has been increased from 0.7 to 0.75 and 280/360/480/ to 295/375/495, respectively.
  • Xayah’s HP increased to 750 from 700, while her Attack Speed was boosted to 0.75 from 0.7.
  • 3-Star Talon’s Shadow Assault target stab base damage has been boosted from 120/200/700 to 120/200/1200.
  • 1-Star Ao Shin’s Lightning Rain damage has been bumped from 210/400/2500 to 225/400/2500.
  • 3-Star Pyke’s Death from Below primary and secondary damage has been buffed from 325/450/5000 to 325/450/15000 and 150/250/5000 to 150/250/15000, respectively. In addition, his ability’s max Health Threshold has been altered from 25/33/100% to 25/33/1%.

Some compositions have been dominating too much, and players have difficulty dealing with them. Other gamers have already started spamming the meta comps for quick rank-ups. With the latest Patch, several features will be downgraded a bit. Here are all the nerfs in Patch 12.15:


  • Stand United has been augmenting comps a bit too strongly. Patch 12.15 will be toning down the bonus stats granted by the augment. Stand United Attack Damage per active trait has been reduced to 1/2/3 from 2/3/4.


  • Cavalier – The mounted units of TFT have been too sturdy when paired with other synergies. Cavaliers will receive a slight nerf with their bonus Armor, and Magic Resistance will be reduced to 35/60/85/110 from 36/65/95/125.
  • Jade – The regenerative ability of Jade Statues paired with the comp’s power has been too oppressive, especially in mid-game scenarios. The HP regen will be slightly tweaked as the Health recovered will now be 3%/4%/8%/25% instead of 2%/5%/8%/25%.


  • Karma’s Inner Flame damage has been reduced to 210/280/350 from 220/300/380. Meanwhile, her Inner Flame projectile will also explode at her target unit even if they die before the ability reaches them.
  • Sett’s Knuckle Down ratio has been reduced to 160% from 170%.
  • Nami’s Ebb and Flow Damage and Healing has been reduced from 150/200/250 to 160/180/210 and 175/200/225 to 170/190/210, respectively.
  • Corki’s Big One Attack Damage ratio has been altered from 160/200/350% to 155/185/400%.
  • Daeja’s Windblast Wave damage has been altered from 300/400/1800 to 275/375/1800.
  • Shi Oh Yu’s Jade Form attack damage ratio has been reduced from 265/290/1000 to 250/275/1000%.


  • Several tank and utility items have been too powerful in the current meta. Patch 12.15 will bring down the stats of two Ornn’s items and one armor. Here is all the nerfed gear in the latest Patch:
  • Eternal Winter Attack Speed Slow has been reduced from 30% to 20%.
  • Rocket Propelled Fist Health has been reduced from 400 to 350.
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate Armor and Magic Resistance Bonus per Enemy Targeting Holder has been reduced from 18 to 16.


Several modifications have also been made to aspects of the game, wherein the changes are neither buff nor a nerf. They can be considered more as balancing updates. Some alterations have been made to augments, units, and traits for the latest Patch, which might affect their viability in the meta. Here are all the other changes for 12.15:


  • Clustered Minds will only be offered at Stage 2-1.
  • Reckless Spending will no longer be provided during Stage 2-1.
  • Gold from Late Game Specialist will no longer need to be picked up as it will be directly deposited into the bank.


  • Trainer – Nomsy is going to receive several changes to his kit. The Trainer summon’s Fireball damage will now have a base damage of 85/110/140/175 instead of 100/130/160/200. Trainer 3 Nomsy will also have increased Attack Damage and Fireball Damage from 100% to 200% and 200/260/320/400 to 225/330/420/525, respectively. 


  • Shyvanna’s Flame Breath will now target the largest cluster of units. However, her starting mana has been nerfed to 0/60 from 30/60, which means it will take longer for her to transform into her Dragon Form.
  • Yasuo is now invulnerable during the execution animation sequence.

Changes to TFT Game Modes

Not everyone purely plays ranked games, as many gamers enjoy a quick Unrated or a thrilling Double Up. Hyper Roll mode will receive slight modifications to some aspects and damage scaling. Here are the changes to this specific game feature:

  • Round 10-1’s damage has been raised to 30 to keep up with the accelerated late-game wear of Standard and Double Up. 
  • Shimmerscale’s Goldmancer’s Staff Ability Power per gold has been increased from 3 to 4.

Bugs and Fixes

  • The issue with Sona’s False Crescendo targeting units affected by Zephyr has been resolved. Instead of waiting for the effect of the cyclone to end, Sona will now shift her target to the farthest team on the board.
  • The bug where Thresh will sometimes miss his hook shot after getting by Zephyr has been fixed.
  • Bard’s Tempered Faith accuracy has been improved in searching for the largest cluster of enemy units if they start the round isolated. 
  • Daeja will now seek a wider line when looking at which path has the most enemies.
  • Verdant Veil will no longer prevent Frozen Heart’s Frostbite on Away Boards.
  • Units with Dodge Items can no longer evade Sy’fen’s bite after his charge, even if he was CC’ed before the animation.

New Legends: Pool Party Little Legends!

A new set of Legends are making their way into TFT with Patch 12.15 as Ao Shin and Umbra takes a break from all the action. The theme focuses on a summer beach gimmick. The set features a Mythic Ao Shin skin and five variants of Pool Party Umbra. Here are all the available units in this cosmetic line:

  • Mythic Summer Splash Ao Shin
  • Scuba Shark Umbra 
  • Sunkissed Umbra
  • Fruity Smoothie Umbra
  • Lifeguard Umbra
  • Little Shark Umbra

This new Legend set comes with new Pool Party Egg offers in the Item shop. Gamers can mainly acquire the new Ao Shin and Umbra skins from these items. Here are all the available packs in the shop:

  • 1 Pool Party Egg for 490 RP
  • 5 Pool Party Eggs for 2450 RP
  • 14 + 2 Pool Party Eggs for 6860 RP
  • Direct Purchase of Any Pool Party Umbra Variants for 925 RP

There is a 2% chance that Mythic Summer Splash Ao Shin will drop per egg. However, this specific Legend is guaranteed to appear after 16 eggs, so players who really want it will have to spend extra. 

Enjoying Patch 12.15

We are just a month away from the end of Summer, which means Set 7 is approaching its last stages. Players still have weeks to boost their League of Legends accounts to higher ranks before Dragonlands concludes. There are no information about what Set 8 will bring to the table. In the meantime, make the most of the current Patch while checking out the latest offers in the shop!


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