This page we will go into detail about what exactly is Tgdfd online store really like. What you should do is go through the Tgdfd review and discover if is a .com fraud or a reliable business.
What is Tgdfd .com?
It’s an online retailer that offers a range of items such as Viper Urban Motorcycle Riding Boots, Adventure Riding Boots (High), Royale H2O Boots (Brown/Olive), Terra EVO Low Boots, JR FX Mid Men’s Street Boots (BRAND NEW) Street Short Cuff Gloves, JR Sector Men’s Street Boots (NEW), Leather MLM3500 SWAT Men’s Black Leather Vest M Boss Motorcycle Apparel BOS13507 Men’s Black Side Lace Leather Vest with Buffalo Nickel Snaps The Club Vest CVM3510 Black Zipper Men’s Leather Vest that features a Seamless Back Design short cuffs for stunts, Gloves Superstreet’s white Leather Boots and Answer Racing A21 Syncron Charge Off-Road Men’s Pants, etc. There are many things to know about this store prior to making a decision about it as a shop of choice.
Tgdfd is classified as being one of fraudulent websites due to these reasons
Contact Information:
It has listed the name of the parent company and address on its policy page. The address is Mjm Ouros (Registration Number 804001541) 2. Square Saint Marsal, 66100 Perpignan France. On Google Maps, there is an Childcare Agency at this address however, there is no business that has that name Mjm Ouros or Tgdfd in or around the address . It also provides the address in an image format rather than writing directly on its site, which is usually done by websites who copy-paste other companies’ address to ensure that nobody could find them by searching the parent company’s name or address with Google. Additionally, this address has been also being employed by other suspicious websites such as Mfdgt, Pfnene, Shshads, Aenho, Oeale, Slluos, Yteedsfa, AlisaStyle, Myloso, FavorGK, Mekusi, LilyStar Shop, BootsDepots, BootsBarns, Camalles, Fashioke, Queeana, Skygofun, Pospretty, Uninsslily, WilCloth, Bonaloty, Pressnee, Tomlook, GourdShop, Roujecassie, Jauseon, Lastrape, Fanoele, Villetas, MyCurvyBoutique, etc. So, we won’t be able to trust this firm for any type of shopping online.
As of the date the review was written, the company has given its parent company’s address and name Mjm Ouros (Registration No. 84001541) 2. Square Saint Marsal, 66100 Perpignan France However it might change its parent company’s name and address as other websites did change their parent address and company names in the past.
The mail address i.e. service@nttsmqb .com is not connected to its domain name . It was also is associated with other sites that are deemed to be problematic such as Mfdgt, Pfnene, Shshads, Aenho, Oeale, Iufdya, Yteedsfa and others.
Copyed content:
The images that are used for the catalogs of its products aren’t original meaning that this website has copied the images from other websites or simply making copies of other products or clothing.
The theme of the website and a lot of other details on the website are consistent with numerous scam websites.
Returns and Exchange:
Their Policy on Return and Exchange Policy is found as a bit unrealistic in its ability to provide any type of exchange or return products to its customers. The policy states that the purchaser is responsible for shipping costs for returning items. Therefore, we have discovered that these kinds of stores rarely allow returns or exchanges under any circumstances. Therefore, it’s almost impossible to obtain the entire or even a portion of the money back from these kinds of stores because of their confusing return and/or exchange terms.
Customer Complaints and Delivery:
The delivery times as well as customer support as well as the post sales service of these kinds of stores online are said to be poor , as per the complaints of customers of similar online stores.
Our Final Verdict:
Based on the reasons mentioned above the conclusion can be drawn that Tgdfd is among the sites that are scams.
You can browse through the plethora of sites that are suspicious listed in the “Suspicious” category by clicking >>>HERE< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE. You can also browse our website to discover the many interesting and informative articles that fall under.
If you would like to share something about the company, please submit your comments below. Please send this review to your family and friends via your social media profiles to let them know about the online store.
There are a lot of online stores claim that they are selling various products at massive discounts, however the majority of them are frauds. Therefore, it is recommended to stay clear of new online stores, or at a minimum, conduct some research prior to purchasing items from these new online stores since the majority of these online stores do not deliver products purchased to their customers or even deliver totally inferior or second-rate products. Certain scam websites have charged the credit cards of customers without permission. If you’ve previously purchased from fraudulent websites, we advise you to immediately call your credit or bank company to protect your credit card details.