Testosterone therapy is a popular treatment used by many men to treat erection dysfunction and lower libido. It helps to boost muscle mass and energy levels. Though testosterone therapy can effectively eliminate some symptoms, it often causes side effects. However, the overall chances of testosterone treatment in Palm causing long-term side effects are still unknown. 

Also, some men have a higher risk of side effects than others. For instance, some men with underlying health conditions tend to show more long-term side effects of testosterone therapy.

Side Effects Of Testosterone Therapy

Though severe side effects are uncommon and clinical trials’ side effects are also minor, producers of testosterone therapy medications warn against the severe and minor side effects of testosterone therapy. During clinical trials, the most commonly reported side effects included oily skin, male breast enlargement, change in hair growth, and reaction during treatment application. Some patients also reported prostate disorders, acne, decreased testicular size, and back pain. Other frequently reported side effects include;

Higher Chance of Heart Attack

Reports of some testosterone treatment clinical trials indicate that older men have a higher risk of a heart attack. It often results when men are treated with testosterone gel over a long period (about a year). The testosterone gel causes a higher chance of coronary artery disease. The waxy gel gradually builds up and solidifies in the artery. This build-up inhibits oxygen flow to the heart, which causes myocardial infarction, commonly called a heart attack. The risk of heart attack is common in men with an underlying heart condition. Older men also have a higher chance of developing heart attacks after treating testosterone deficiency with testosterone gel. 

  • Blood Clot Warning

Some medications used in testosterone therapy can cause a risk of blood clots in the veins. The Food and Drug Administration mandated producers of testosterone therapy medications to include blood clot warnings on the drug labels. When more testosterone is introduced into the body through testosterone therapy, there’ll be an increase in the secretion of thromboxane. Thromboxane is a lipid that increases the chances of constriction in the blood vessels. 

The blocked blood vessel reduces blood flow in the vein, resulting in blood clot formation in those veins. Blood clots become a major problem in major veins like those found in the legs. When the blood clots become free, they can flow into the brain and lead to stroke. The blood clot can also flow into the lungs to cause pulmonary embolism (blockage in arteries).

Risk Of Developing Stroke

A recent study discovered that patients on testosterone therapy are exposed to the risk of developing cardiovascular conditions that could lead to stroke. The risk of developing a stroke is particularly prevalent in older men with underlying chronic medical conditions. However, not all testosterone therapy medications have side effects of causing a stroke. The testosterone gel and patches have lower chances of causing strokes, while testosterone injections have higher chances of causing a short-term stroke.

Greater Chances of Developing Prostate Cancer

Testosterone therapy medications can also increase a patient’s development of prostate cancer. The sudden increase in testosterone levels is responsible for increasing the risk of prostate cancer. Some studies have discovered that more than 50% of men undergoing testosterone therapy develop prostate cancer within a few months of commencing treatment. Other patients may develop prostate cancer between 2 and 8 years after testosterone therapy.

Sleep Apnea 

Testosterone therapy also increases the risk of developing sleep apnea or worsens sleep apnea in patients living with the condition. Sleep apnea is a sleep condition that causes repeated breathing hindrance; it causes breathing to stop and start while asleep. The risk of developing sleep apnea in testosterone therapy patients is higher in patients with chronic lung disease, obesity, etc. 

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent apnea caused by testosterone therapy. A decrease in airflow is a characteristic of the condition because of blocked airways. Also, both past and recent studies indicate an increase in OSA changes in testosterone therapy patients. OSA conditions result in cardiac ischemia, stroke, and atrial fibrillation. 


Erythrocytosis is another side effect of testosterone therapy medications. The condition is characterized by the formation of excess red blood cells. Though several studies have been carried out to prove these side effects, it has not yet been completely finalized. However, patients of Testosterone Therapy should consider the risk factors of developing erythrocytosis before undergoing testosterone therapy.


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