Bermuda Triangle also known as the “Devil’s Triangle’ is a title for the famous geographical area located in the western region of the Atlantic Ocean. The area is famous for the mysterious disappearances and disappearances of several aircrafts and vessels.

Bermuda Triangle more specifically is named because of the specific shape of the area wherein mysterious phenomena are said to happen. The area of Bermuda Triangle is a form of a triangle that connects three areas, specifically, Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

In addition to Bermuda Triangle, there is another pair of triangles throughout the globe that are prone to mysterious events. The names of these triangles that have cryptic events are:

  • Bridgewater Triangle
  • Bennington Triangle
  • Dragon’s Triangle
  • Michigan Triangle
  • Matlock Triangle

These locations and regions that also cover triangular shapes in the sky and ground such as Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle, are very unusual and bizarre. However, in this article we’ll examine some of the facts surrounding this area known as the Bermuda Triangle.

Bermuda Triangle-Name of A Mystery

The term “Bermuda Triangle” was first utilized by a writer called Vincent Gaddis in 1964, in the year he published his first essay in an issue of the magazine Argosy.

While Vincent Gaddis was the first person to give the Bermuda triangle the name, the phrase was popularized after just a decade , when it was coined by a novelist named Charles Berlitz.

The concept of the term was given popularity and notoriety following the time Charles Berlitz published his book”The Bermuda Triangle’ in 1974. The book explored some of the hidden secrets of the triangle, and claimed that some locations in Atlantis that the cities of Atlantis were actual.

This particular work was written by Charles Berlitz got widely read and a number of researchers and writers wrote about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

In the span of many years, a myriad of documents, books or scripts have been written that deal with and discuss Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle, some of which remain mysteries to us all, and others made up with a false hint and patterns to gain rapid fame.

Famous Theories Behind Bermuda Triangle

Strange occurrences and disappearances in the region that is known as Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle have intrigued many researchers and scientists. Numerous scientists are looking for an underlying and solid justification for unannounced incidents and odd things that happen to aircrafts and ships traveling through this region.

But most of the time, scientists can only come up with some theories about what happened but without any evidence to back it up with the actual facts. Some of the theories that are popular include:

Methane Gas:

The theory is it is possible that huge methane gas-filled bodies in the sky could result in an airplane crashing or ships sinking, before allowing the crew members the chance to make contact with the radio.


This theory may sound like fiction, yet it proposes the concept of a wormhole that alters time in the area that causes bizarre and untimely events.

Electromagnet Field:

Bermuda Triangle is one of the very few spots on the Earth’s surface that interferes with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The theory is that these faults could cause ships and aircraft to fail.

In addition to these theories, many mention a fascinating aspect of the Triangle such as this conversation in a the narrative essay “The biggest issues in that area normally are hurricanes, but it’s not particularly a spawning area for storms,” said Dave Feit, Marine Prediction Centre.


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