Still, acronym, condensation of LYKE, If you’re looking for the description.

So, also what’s LYKE?

It stands for “ Like ” which is used in the exchanges like exchanges, dispatches, posts, emailsetc. by some idiot or lazy people or by those who want to look cool and trendy by saying LYKE rather of Like. So, it isn’t at each a decent way of saying LIKE but rather it shows some asininity.

Define LYKE. Meaning LYKE. Definition LYKE.

Likewise, it’s an old British word pertaining “ Corpse ” meaning dead body. This word is deduced from the Medieval English “ lic ” which can also be pronounced as Lych or Lich.

How is LYKE used in the exchanges?

Some of the exemplifications are
Mailing to someone

Boy 1 I really LYKE her dude!!!
Boy 2 OMG do n’t tell me man!!!

Boy 1 Why?????
Boy 2 She’s Tomy’s gf man!!!

Boy LYKE what do you suppose about me?

Girl What r u doing then?

Boy LYKE what’s your plan 2tine?
Girl Movie with ladyloves!!!

And so on.

Well, now you know the meaning of LYKE from the below description, so if you want to say commodity about it, also please feel free to leave your comment below.

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