Utmost of us know that FB means Facebook but there are still other meanings of FB about which we’re going to explain in this post. So, if you’re looking for what FB means, the meaning of FB, the description of FB, the acronym of FB, the condensation of FB, also your hunt ends then because then we’re going to give you the FB shoptalk meaning, the FB description, the FB condensation, the FB acronym as well as how this word is used in the exchanges.
Let’s start our detail review of the shoptalk word FB as below.
So, also what’s FB? For what does FB stand?
Like we’ve said before, the shoptalk word FB stands for the short form of “ Facebook ” which is an online networking point. still, there are other meanings of FB which you can find below.
Define FB. Meaning FB. Acronyms FB.
FB is also the short form of “ Fk Buddy ” which means a s * x mate but may or may not be in a romantic and serious relationship. The acronym FB also relate to “ Fking Bit * h ” or “ F**k Boy ” which is used in an annoying way or as an insulting way to relate a person who you do n’t like at all. The word FB is also used as a hashtag on Twitter like#fb.
The shoptalk word FB also refers to “ F**king Beautiful ” which is used to express the extreme like but in a bite mood.
The acronym FB also means “ F**king Brilliant ” which is used to relate someone who’s extremely bright and talented.
FB also means “ Follow Back ” which is largely used in social medias i.e. Instagram while opining on filmland and posts.
Another meaning of the word FB is “ Finger Bang ” substantially used in instant runner to poke someone.
FB is also the shoptalk word for the term “ womanish B * ner ” which is used to relate those girls or women who are s * xually veritably welcoming, h * rny or agitated.
The word FB also refers to the humor over hunger and food.
FB is also a short term of “ Fag Bag ” which simply means an a * shole.
FB also refers a girl who’s veritably hot, s * xy, gorgeous, enough.
FB also refers to “ F*cked Borrower ” in real estate world which is used to relate that person who has a larger volume of loans and credits than his or her factual borrowing capacity and certain to be going on big loss or ruin.
The condensation FB also goes for “ Feedback ” which means one’s opinion or advice or comment on commodity or someone.
FB also refers “ Fat B*tch ” or “ Fat B * stard ” or “ Fat Balls ” or “ Fat Boy ” or “ Fruity B*tch ” or “ Fruit Bowl ”etc.
FB medical acronym stands for “ Foreign Body ”
How is FB used in the exchanges?
Some of the exemplifications of how the shoptalk word FB is used over the exchanges are
A Hey I’ve transferred a friend request on your FB( Facebook)!!!
B Ok let me add you also!!!
Girl 1 Hey what’s your FB id( Facebook id)?
Girl 2 It’s.
Boy 1 Your GF is enough cool chum!!
Boy 2 That juvenile isn’t my GF she is just my FB( F**k Buddy).
Boy 1 She’s an FB( F*king Btch), ditched me like an a **
Boy 2 Yup!!! She just made you wisecrack!!!
Girl 1 I got so bothered with that FB( Fat B*tch) in the boardwalk history.
Girl 2 Why do n’t you protest her a *s.
A Did you see her moves dude? It was like stupendous!!!
B Yaaa FB( F**king Beautiful) man!!!
Boy 1 I scored loftiest in statistics dude!!!
Boy 2 You’re FB( F**king Brilliant) dude!!!
Girl 1 I FB( Follow Back) Anny in her IG( Instagram)!!!
Girl 2 OMG your commentary are so funny in her sand snap. girl!!!
X He
uses to FB( Finger Bang) me whenever we meet in AIM or MSN.
Y That FB( womanish B * ner). She does the same to me.
Girl 1 I just detest that joe, he’s such an FB( F**k Boy)
Girl 2 Yup that FB( F**king B * stard) sucks.
A Hey how am I looking in this dress, your FB( Feedback) plz.
B You ’re looking just stupendous girl!!!! Where did you get that?
And so on.
So, the word FB has multiple meanings as stated over and can be used to specify different terms as given in above exemplifications.
What do you suppose? Why do people use the short form of words?
Actually, moment’s generation feels more comfortable and trendy using these types of shoptalk words as these are easy and fast to type from the bias like mobile, laptop, iPadetc. in which shoptalk words are more practical. Especially youths use shoptalk words in order to show themselves cool and swish. But currently, shoptalk words are used far and wide in family and musketeers circles as well.
Now you know the meaning of FB from the below description, so if you want to say commodity about it, also please feel free to leave your comment below.
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