The Most Deadly Day of the Week for Truckers

Truck accidents happen almost every day. As much as motorists try to avoid accidents and collisions, they still occur. Some accidents are inevitable, while others happen due to carelessness. Missouri is a central hub for commercial trailers, and large trucks are a common sight on Missouri roads. However, the increasing number of trucks has increased the number of accidents involving trucks. This article will discuss the leading causes of truck accidents and the most deadly day of the week for truckers in Missouri.

When Do Most Truck Accidents Happen in a Week in Missouri?

Most accidents involving trailers and semi-trucks in Missouri happen on weekdays, mostly Tuesdays. states that between 2011 and 2020, a period of 10 years, most truck crashes happened on Tuesdays. In short, Tuesdays record the highest number of truck accidents over the years, more than any other day of the week. For every five fatal accidents, one accident happened on Tuesday in 2020, making it a total of 195 fatal accidents on Tuesdays in Missouri. Therefore, Tuesday is the deadliest day of the week for truckers in this state.

Fridays come second after Tuesdays for truckers. Mainly, the accidents on Fridays result from fatigue after driving for thousands of miles. By the time it gets to Friday, the driver is tired and aiming to get home as quickly as possible. Therefore, reviews show that Fridays record second on the total number of accidents involving trucks between 2011 and 2020. The data revealed by the Missouri Highway Patrol Traffic Safety Compendium shows that the number of crashes is higher on weekdays than on weekends. The number is significantly low on Saturdays and Sundays since a few trucks are on the roads.

What is The Main Cause of Truck Accidents in Missouri?

According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the number of fatal accidents has increased from 2019, with New Madrid recording the highest number by 2020. Missouri State Highway Patrol states that more than 90% of truck accidents are due to driver error. Here are the causes of truck accidents in the state of Missouri.

  • Driver Error

The primary cause of truck accidents in this state is driver error. These errors include tailgating, distracted driving, driving under the influence, and drowsy driving.

  • Poor Maintenance of Trucks and Equipment

Truckers drive for thousands of miles before reaching their destination. The trucks experience normal wear and tear, combined with harsh environmental conditions, so it is vital to ensure the vehicles are properly maintained. Unfortunately, not many trucking companies insist on proper maintenance of trucks and equipment. Therefore, truck failure due to faulty equipment or parts causes accidents and puts other motorists in danger.

  • Driver Fatigue

Trucking companies must ensure their drivers have enough time to rest. Even though some provide this freedom, some drivers don’t rest and choose to work while exhausted. Lack of rest leads to fatigue, a risky condition for drivers on the road.

Other causes of truck accidents are:

  • Improper loading of cargo
  • Bad weather
  • Bad roads


Tuesday is a deadly day for truckers in Missouri, recording the highest number of truck crashes. These accidents happen both in rural and urban. It is crucial for truck drivers and other motorists to understand how trucks operate on the roads and give them enough room. Drivers also need to act responsibly to reduce the chances of these accidents.


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