If you’re looking at the definition of GL, definition, acronym abbreviation or definition of GL and GL, then you’re on the right track as we are going provide you with the GL Slang meaning, as well as the way the acronym is utilized in internet chats.What GL Means?

What is GL mean?

There are many meanings for GL.

It is a reference to “Good Luck”, “Good Looks” or “Good Looking”. When people use the word “GL” while chatting, posting on social media and so on , it signifies “Good Luck” or Good Looking” or “Good Looks”. It is most commonly used in internet-based conversations such as chats messages, posts, messages emails and so on.

It is also a reference to Gastric Lavage which is a procedure to eliminate the stomach of a patient who has been poisoned.

How can GL employed in conversations?

Example of GL as “Good Luck”:-

I would like to wish GL for you.

GL for the test Tomorrow.

I’m in desperate need of a GL in order to compete with the current competition.

Example of GL as “Good Looking”:-

He’s extremely GL.

Am I GL?

and so on.

You now know the significance of GL by the above definition If you’d like to discuss it, or even if you’re aware of the other meanings you are welcome to post a comment below.

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