Do you want to find out what does the meaning of OUO? If so, also you have landed in the right place, because then we’re going to give you the shoptalk meaning, description of OUO.
So, also what’s OUO?
It stands for “ Official Use Only ”. This means the matter or thing can be used only for an sanctioned purpose.
Another meaning goes for smiley face while chatting or texting like O resembles the eyes and U the smiling lips which is expressed in both creepy and facetious manner.
What’s OUO? OUO meaning. OUO shoptalk word description.
I do n’t know what exactly you’re talking about OUO.
You’re too cute to handle OUO.
Do I look silly man? OUO.
Why do n’t you vanish from then? OUO.
And so on.
Well, now you know the meaning of OUO from the below description, so if you want to say commodity about it, also please feel free to leave your comment below.
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