Still, acronym, condensation of NPZ, If you’re looking for the description.
What does NPZ stands for?
This shoptalk word stands for “ No Problem or No Problems ” which is used in the internet exchanges like exchanges, dispatches, posts, emailsetc. to say “ everything is alright ”.
Define NPZ. Meaning NPZ. description NPZ.
It’s also used for the short form of “ No P*ss y Zone ” meaning no women zone.
Likewise, this acronym also goes for “ No Pants Zone ”.
How is NPZ used in the exchanges?
Some of the exemplifications are
A Is there any problem?
Boy 1 Hey dude I’m gon na propose Anny hereafter. Any problem?
Boy 2 Yeah NPZ man!!! She’s just my classmate.
Girl 1 Can you give me your tablet for moment?
Girl 2 Yeah sure NPZ!!!
Tom Brad and I were in NPZ last night.
Ryan At the club? Lol!!!!
A Hey let’s go to NPZ tonight. It’ll be delightful.
B No Pants Zone. let’s do it!!!
And so on.
Well, now you know the meaning of NPZ from the below description, so if you want to say commodity about it, also please feel free to leave your comment below.
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