Smart Home Automation

Automated home systems. It is great to be able to control sprinkler systems, coordinate outlets, manage security systems, and turn appliances on and off while you are away.

Despite not being new on the market, the cost of most of these systems has considerably decreased in the last few years, and they are now more widely used than ever before.

Smart home technology offers many benefits that you cannot deny. Automated homes have already overtaken many modern tech innovations such as wearables and connected cars. All you need is an internet connection and you are good to go. On a side note, if you are looking for a reliable connection to get your smart home technology get started, Optimum is a great option. The speeds are pretty good and it is quite reliable. You can also get to bundle your internet with TV. Check the link to get a gist of the ongoing deals and packages.

Do you think it’s right for you? Here are some advantages and disadvantages to help answer that question.

Advantages of Smart Home Automation

  • Reduced energy consumption

Energy efficiency is definitely one of the benefits of home automation systems. A programable thermostat lets you set temperatures on the basis of the time of the day along with the week. In fact, some of them even learn and adjust to your temperature preferences without ever having to be programmed. You can automate virtually every device that can be controlled remotely with traditional or behavior-based automation – from coffee makers to sprinkler systems.

What kind of device you choose and how it is automated will ultimately determine the amount of energy you save. According to product manufacturers, consumers can save between 10 and 15 percent by installing these systems.

  • Convenience

Today’s fast-paced society makes it important to worry as little as possible. Don’t you think? One of the primary appeals of home automation is convenience, which eliminates hassles like turning off the lights before going to bed or when you have to adjust the thermostat after waking up.

Since many systems feature remote dashboards, customers no longer need to go back to the house in case they forget to turn off the coffee pot before leaving. You can turn off the coffee pot in a matter of seconds by launching the dashboard on your smart device or computer.

  •  Safety

Monitoring your home remotely can give you peace of mind while you are away. With the help of remote dashboards, you can control lights and blinds remotely, as well as turn on and off lights and lamps. You will be notified immediately if anything uncharacteristic happens with these capabilities – coupled with automated security systems.

Disadvantages of Smart Home Automation

  •  Installation

Installing a home automation system can be a significant burden for a homeowner, depending on the complexity of the system. Hiring a contractor can cost you money while doing it yourself can take up a lot of time and money.

  •  Complexity of technology

It may sound quite appealing to automate everything, but sometimes the old-fashioned method of flipping a switch is more convenient than reaching for a smartphone. Maybe it is wise to see how far you want to go with home automation before you decide what system is right for you.

  • Compatibility of the system

All aspects of home automation must be controlled from one centralized point, but not all systems are compatible. In order to manage the settings on your security system, for instance, you may need to sign in to one location, while to turn on and off the air conditioner you may need to log into another location. The convenience of home automation can be maximized by investing in centralized platform technology, which gives you the option to control all devices and systems from one place.

  • Cost

It is still costly to purchase and install a device, even though home automation systems are becoming more affordable.

The smart home system is offered by quite a few companies, but they all charge quite a bit. Most people cannot afford it. Installing this system would allow you to save and earn a great deal of money. Though initially expensive, it will save you in the long run.


What are you planning for your smart home? With the technology, you have more versatility than ever, and the benefits certainly sound appealing. Weigh the cons and pros and then decide if you can actually make this work. Let us know in the comments whatever the decision is.


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