Types of Car Accident Liability Claims in Georgia

Accidents happen each day, and Georgia isn’t an exception. It’s critical to comprehend the different car accident liability claims when you sustain injuries in an auto accident in the state. You should also file a claim to hold the liable party responsible. However, you need a skilled accident attorney to guide you and represent your interests.

Examples of car accident liability claims in Georgia are:

1. Medical car accidents liability claims

Medical malpractice lawsuits sometimes include medical responsibility claims. However, you can file such a case after an automobile accident. For instance, a hospital or doctor may be held responsible for any accidents you cause if they released you before you were ready to depart.

If you cause an accident while impaired by a chemical present in the drugs is deemed to be the fault of the prescribing doctor. However, establishing a car accident liability is not easy, and a Car Accident Lawyer will come in handy.

2. Third-party claims

Third-party claims are incidents that involve intoxicated drivers. You file the case against a party that did not directly engage in the accident. For instance, you can file a case against the pub that sold the alcohol if you caused an accident while intoxicated. You may also sue the homeowner for damages if you got intoxicated at a party. These cases are complex, and you need the knowledge of a car accident attorney. 

3. Product liability claims

Product failure is a common cause of car accidents rather than careless driving. It could have been an issue with the brakes or a blowout tire. These and other production flaws might have caused the crash.

If a defective part caused the accident that caused your injuries, you might be entitled to sue the manufacturer. It’s possible that the flaw also affected many other automobiles. If that’s the case, you might be able to join other people who have experienced injuries in a class action lawsuit. 

Reasons to involve a car accident attorney in your case

You can submit a personal injury claim for lost wages, medical expenses, pain, and suffering with the aid of a car accident lawyer. Here are a few reasons for hiring a car accident attorney.

1. Gather and collect evidence 

Identifying the careless or negligent party who caused the accident can be challenging. This is particularly true in car accidents involving several vehicles. Law firms that specialize in handling auto accidents may have the necessary resources to conduct investigations and compile data supporting your case. 

2. Represent you in court

You have the option of bringing a civil case against the insurance company or the irresponsible party if they reject your claim. The auto accident attorney can represent you before the judge since they are fluent in the court’s language. To guarantee that you receive just compensation for your injuries, lawyers create argument strategies that fight for your fair compensation.

Summing up

If you were hurt in a car accident, you might feel confused about what to do next. Furthermore, you may not be aware of any potential obligations or whether your carelessness contributed to the disaster. For this reason, speaking with a lawyer about your claim for vehicle accident blame is the best course of action. 


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