Still, acronym, condensation of TC, If you’re looking for the description.
Well this picture easily resembles its meaning. Well, let’s figure out the meaning of TC as below.
For what does TC stand? What does TC mean texting? TC meaning converse.
So, also what’s TC?
It stands for the short form of “ Take Care ” or “ Take Care of Yourself ”. It’s used to repay love and care to someone while doing discussion.
How is TC used in the exchanges?
Some of the exemplifications are
Elson I’ll be visiting you veritably soon. TC.
Terren I’m awaiting your reply, hope to get it soon. TC.
Mother Why do n’t you pick up the call?
Son Mum. I’m with my master. Will call you back shortly. TC.
Edward Can we go for a movie hereafter?
Emma Night show will be better.
Edward Ok, also see you tonight. TC.
And so on.
Other meanings of TC-
Another meaning goes for “ Too Cool ” which is used sarcastically to describe the upper class( rich or elegant) popular.
It’s also the acronym of “ Content Creator ” which is used in forums.
It’s also used to relate “ Twitter Crush ”.
Well, now you know the meaning of TC from the below description. So, if you want to say commodity about it, also please feel free to leave your comment below.
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