No one knows when this massive game will be taken offline
No one knew Fortnite was going to be this big of a game when it was first revealed. That’s because Fortnite was supposed to be a cooperative tower defense type of game. But when the battle royale mode was released, it became a cultural phenomenon. The battle royale mode overshadowed the cooperative experience. After Epic Games saw how popular it was getting, the Save the World mode received small support. The battle royale mode was the true money maker.
With Fortnite keeping a steady pace of being one of the most played games for about 5 years, some rumors started to swirl that the game might be coming to end. But that’s all they were, just rumors. When a game is popular and still relevant, developers are going to make sure they get as much money as possible from it.
Let’s go over some details on why I don’t think it will end anytime soon.
Rumors of Fortnite Ending Forever.
Fortnite has made Epic Games a lot of money, but there have been rumors that the game will be shutting down. I’m not sure how the rumor started, but back in 2021, there was a small rumor that the game might be ending forever. Most people knew that this wasn’t true. It is massive and what about all the Fortnite accounts that might have just purchased something?
Usually, when the game is going to shut down, the developers will give a few months’ notice that no more updates are coming, or servers will be going offline for good. Epic Games has done neither of these things. Fortnite accounts are still being made and people are still playing the game. Unless you hear it from the developers, it is best to treat rumors with a grain of salt.
Fortnite Is Still Extremely Profitable
Fortnite is still making Epic Games a lot of money. In 2018, the game made $2.4 billion and in 2019, it made $1.8 billion. These numbers are much higher, depending on the source. If it is much higher, then Fortnite is demolishing the competition. Fortnite is one of the most profitable games ever made and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon.
Only a crazy developer would shut down a game that is making them the most profit. Epic Games is probably putting most of their resources into this game, and they are likely to be making that money back within a few months. As long as Epic Games keep making skins for Fortnite, players will continue to buy it. This is especially true for crossover skins, like Marvel characters or Star Wars characters.
What is even more impressive, is that they still make a massive amount of money even though the game is no longer on the Google Play Store and App Store.
When Will Fortnite End Forever?
Fortnite is one of the most popular games ever made and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be slowing down anytime soon. The game has been out for 5 years and it’s still going strong. It may not be as popular as it was back in 2018 or 2019, but it is doing better than 99% of games out there. Fortnite is also free-to-play, meaning the player base can always grow. Free-to-play games have the chance to have a big player base because it is free.
The most astonishing thing about Fortnite is that only cosmetics are the only thing that costs money. You can experience everything Fortnite has to offer without spending a dime. No items give a strategic advantage in any way. The fact that they are making so much money when all players could play without the need to spend money shows that Epic Games have found a good business model.
So, when will Fortnite End Forever? The true answer is: Whenever it stops making Epic Games money. Once that happens then we likely see a sequel, or it will shut down so they can work on sometime else. But that won’t be happening anytime soon. Just look at Minecraft, that’s been out since 2011 and still is massive as well. Games keep going as long as there is a community and money to be made.
In short, Fortnite isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Fortnite is a global sensation and is one of the biggest games in the world. It is still making a large amount of profit from selling skins in the Fortnite item shop. Epic Games truly got lucky with this title, and it is now their flagship game. The developers have stated that they plan to support the game for years. In all honesty, we could see Fortnite 2, and it would just be a giant update to the original game. This way players won’t lose their skins or any other progress they made on their Fortnite account.