RRB JE exam is an important exam for every engineering graduate as it offers a great career in terms of salary and flexible working hours. Candidates planning to participate in RRB JE exam should check out the right preparation strategies to crack this prestigious exam. To guide you all on the path to success we will provide the right preparation tips and strategies for the upcoming RRB JE exam. In this article, we have given some important tips to prepare for RRB JE Exam and these tips will help you to a great extent in your success.
RRB JE Exam: Tips and Strategies to Prepare
To help crack the position of Junior Engineer in RRB, preparation tips and strategies that will help you in qualifying the exam are provided below. The RRB JE notification 2022 is not yet announced. This means candidates have a lot of time to prepare. Every year, there is a large number of candidates that apply for the RRB JE which only increases the level of competition.
Tus, the preparation for RRB JE must begin well in advance so that you get clarity on all the concepts that are required to be known. Candidates often think preparing for one JE exam is similar to the other. For example. RRB JE is similar to SSC JE in a lot of respects however, they are both fundamentally different, hence, candidates must not confuse the two exams. It is important to prepare for RRB JE separately.
You can find the step-by-step preparation strategy for the RRB JE exam below.
Subject Weightage Wise Preparation for RRB Junior Engineer Exam
- As General Science and Mathematics carry good weightage followed by Reasoning and General Awareness, prepare these well.
- In maximum scoring sections, practise more questions to revise the concepts and cover each important topic.
RRB JE Technical Abilities Preparation
The RRB JE exam technical subjects syllabus is distinct for each of them. So, it is important to note that the preparation for each of them would differ as well.
- Make sure that you know the basic concepts of every topic.
- Make sure that you write down notes for important things and memorize them regularly.
- Attempt solving different types of questions from preparation books and mock tests.
- Also, ensure that you are paying attention to previous year papers as they will give you an idea of the difficulty level of the exam. Also, they are good to understand paper pattern for more benefit.
Manager Your Time Well
- It is of great importance that candidates ensure they are using every hour for their preparation time in the right way and not wasting any time. It is crucial that correct material and tips are used for maximum benefit.
- The syllabus of RRB JE CBT-1 is quite vast but also simple, so, candidates must choose a strategy that is not very complicated and easy to execute. Invest the first few days in studying the concepts with timely revision.
- After completing each topic, revising each topic in comprehensive manner is the key.
- Candidates can check out BYJU’S Exam Prep Mock Test and Quizzes so they can prepare in a way that will enable them to finally ace the exam.
- It is also important that while doing the previous year questions, candidates take care of time and attempt them in 90 minutes as specified in the exam pattern. This will ensure accuracy during exam.