Pets are an inevitable part of a family. As much as you care for your family members, it should also reflect on the four-legged animals. Pests usually attack homes in the months of summer and spring. It causes a great nuisance to the whole family and makes their lives miserable, especially for the kids and pets. 

Since both prefer playing outside, they are most likely to get contacted with fleas. You may find many bug sprays and products on the market. But the fact is that they are only meant for humans, not animals. If you want to guard your pets against the contiguity of ticks, vermins, mosquitoes, and other wild animals, follow the simple ways mentioned below. 

Five Ways to Keep Your Home Pest-Free

1. Keep the Surroundings of Your Home Tidy 

If you want your home free from dangerous pests, keep the yard tidy and well-maintained. Never mess up the place with the unnecessary waste of your home. The more you clutter everything, the greater the possibility of pest emergence surrounding your residence. The pets unknowingly put paws into those scraps and can invite sickness. 

Don’t pile up any trash outdoors; cut the shrubs as frequently as possible. On crossing the boundary, your dog or cat will experience a static shock from the electric dog fence and learn to stay within the yard. When your pet returns home, check them with full attention and brush them to throw off the unwanted bugs inside. 

2. Practice Regular Grooming of Your Pets 

Practicing regular bathing is the best way to help your pets stay away from pests. Pests mostly grow underneath the skin of your pets. Therefore, wash them thoroughly, do scrubbing, and invest enough time in eliminating all the debris so that your pet looks polished and spotless. The best origin of pests is animal blood. Therefore, you must treat the wounds as soon as possible to prevent further growth. 

3. Keep Your Pet Inside the Home at a Certain Time of the Day 

In rainy seasons, mosquitoes stay active mostly at dawn and dusk time. Therefore, you should try to keep your loving pet inside the home during these times to expose them minimum to insects. 

4. Ensure Tidiness Inside and Outside the Home

Pests can’t breed in a clean environment. Therefore, you have to always clean the furniture, do daily bedding, vacuum floors, and store up the minimum to not give the insects an opportunity for nesting. 

If there’s any possibility of rainwater accumulation around your home, unclog the sewers as frequently as possible. If you are interested in gardening, keep the plants tidy and alter the water bowls after two to three days. Keep the birdbaths, flowerpots, and empty bowls upside down to prevent water storage. 

5. Clean Your Pet’s Accessories Properly 

Store the pet’s special food inside the airtight container so that your pet can’t even get it out in your absence. Moreover, you should clean the surrounding area of the pet’s eating place to not attract the vermins. Make sure to regularly clean the pet’s bed, carpets, toys, food bowl, grooming kit, and other pet supplies to eliminate the possibility of contamination. 

Final thoughts 

If you ever find ticks on your pet’s body, immediately remove them. Following the tips mentioned above can ensure the complete removal of debris and other insects, if any. Use tweezers to groom your furry friend like nothing is left behind. Always throw litter and pet trash into the dustbin to prevent the spreading of any infectious disease. 

When you have close contact with your little companion, wash your hands with disinfectants to stay healthy. As a pet owner, you always want your pet to live a healthy life. Therefore, keep your pet away from hazards and ensure ultimate protection. 


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