Is Your Workplace as Safe as It Can Be?
Owning and running a business comes with a lot of responsibilities.
That said, do you feel like there are things you could and should be putting in place to make your workplace safer?
In the event you responded with a yes, what steps will you take moving ahead?
In having the safest workplace possible, it reduces potential for injury and illness. It also allows your workforce to be at more ease as it relates to showing up each day to work.
So, is it time your workplace got more of your attention when it comes to safety needs?
Review Your Workplace from Top to Bottom
In doing a thorough assessment of your workplace, here are some things to focus in on:
- Avoiding potential injuries – Likely what stands out most is sidestepping any injuries. Much like you would review a property when searching for your next home, you want to be sure the workplace is safe. To do such an assessment, you need to do a thorough inspection from top to bottom. Among the things you’d look at are fall areas, items to fall on employees and visitors, fire hazards and more. Odds are you’d feel quite bad if one or more people suffered serious injuries or worse in your workplace. Do such assessments on a regular basis. That is due to the fact workplace conditions can and often do change over time. Remind your team that they have a part to play too. They need to be cognizant of how their actions can influence potential injuries.
- Avoiding potential illnesses – As critical as injuries can be, you also want to avoid illnesses on the job. Something as simple as workers coming to the job under the weather can turn into a problem. It only takes one sick worker to possibly infect others on the job. Before you know it, a sizable number of your employees can be out sick. Also look at the conditions around the workplace. As an example, could there be issues with asbestos, mold and other things that can sicken people? If you have one or more of those issues, look to deal with them sooner than later. Finding the right pros for asbestos removal or other such needs should be a priority. The healthier your team and workplace setting are, the more work you can get done.
- Security for workers and others – Last; also make it a top priority to focus on workplace security. This means among other things that workers feel safe in the workplace they come to on a regular basis. The same should be true of any customers or clients coming in for a visit. Locked doors and windows should always be something you do not take lightly. If you have a parking area at your workplace, be sure it is well-lit and safe to maneuver around.
As you go about making your workplace as safe as possible, consider it an investment in the company you own and run.