Brittany Hightower, who had been fighting sickle cell for a long time, died on January 1, 2023. She was only 22 years old. According to reports, Brittany might have gone with her mother to the afterlife just days after her mother’s death. Brittany’s tragic death could have been prevented had it not been for the negligence of Brittany’s hospital staff and the brutality suffered by her family while there. Let’s take a look at the tragic story of this young woman from Texas as her family searches for justice. Continue reading for more details about this terrible incident.
Brittany Hightower’s fate?
Brittany Hightower, who was suffering from severe stomach pains, was admitted to Houston’s hospital on December 24, 2022. Due to coronavirus protocols, she was placed in isolation and diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia. Instead of getting proper medical care, she was verbally abused by hospital staff, and even assaulted by hospital police officers. One of Brittany’s relatives posted several videos online showing her mistreatment.
Brittany’s loved ones are now looking for answers, as they grieve and plan to file legal action against the people responsible. Brittany’s family is asking for witnesses or anyone else who may have witnessed similar treatment in this hospital or another healthcare facility to come forward.
They are also urging lawmakers to pass tougher laws concerning patient rights and protection against police brutality in healthcare settings. It is evident that there must be more to ensure everyone gets proper medical care, regardless of their race or medical condition, without fear of violence or mistreatment from authorities.
Brittany Hightower virally shared on Social Media
Social media played a key role in spreading awareness about the tragic events that occurred to Brittany Hightower, as well as other victims of police brutality or medical negligence at hospitals across the country. Pressure has mounted on legislators to address these issues and end such abuses once and for all. We hope this will bring about lasting change so that other families don’t suffer such devastating losses as Brittany’s. Only then can we truly honor Brittany’s life and legacy by making certain that no one else ever has to experience something similar.
People Share Condolences via Social Media
badgalLABOURITE @Niki_London
It was very difficult to watch those Brittany Hightower videos. The baby girl died in her final days. I pray for her family and that the healthcare workers receive their dues.
Brittany Hightower is a tragic and frustrating story. This is especially true when you consider the extent to which it could have been prevented if she had received proper medical care and assistance from law enforcement officers. The family of Brittany Hightower deserves justice and answers. Hopefully, lawmakers will soon listen to their pleas so other families don’t have to go through similar situations. Social media can be used to help spread awareness and pressure politicians so that all Americans who are in need of medical attention across America don’t fear mistreatment or violence.