Login Login: Becoming an official in the civil service isn’t an easy job, and you need to be prepared for any challenges . When you have power, comes responsibility for you to get to the top of the ladder, you will have to put in lots of hard work and to make many sacrifices. To be a civil servant, the first step is to pass civil servant is to successfully pass the CPNS test. You must submit an online application to take the CPNS test, which is the initial step to becoming the most prestigious civil servant in the nation.

The best news for students who wish to sit for an exam for the CPNS test is the new system which is for applying is simple and effortless and does not cause anxiety or stress about when applying. The application procedure is easy and comes with new features that are user-friendly. The documentation required to apply are also less than the previous years.

The screening for administrative purposes must be carried out as the initial step .

The primary site to register in CPNS is the sscn website // it is the official web site . Candidates must sign up on this site and be aware that there are other fake websites that have the purpose of registration for CPNS exam, but they attempt to steal your personal information and don’t possess any authority legally.

Documents needed for CPNS Exam


Family card

Selfie photo

Original I’d-card

Original transcripts

Diploma certificate

In addition there are other forms of civil servants, which require the candidate to fill out additional forms. Aspirants must check whether necessary documents have been requested or not . It is crucial to verify as they could lose the opportunity to take the CPNS test as a lot of students have not been able to complete the application form because they didn’t have the necessary documents.

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How do I register in taking the CPNS (SCN ) examinations, 2021

It is the first thing to do. set up an account prior to registering for the tests.

Then, the NIK numbers or the name of the person who is the head of family needs to be included.

It is the next thing to do, which involves entering your I’d and password on the portal for sscasn.

In this stage you will need to input your personal information that has been requested in the document section.

It is necessary to input all the documents that are required in accordance with the classification and in the proper order. It is essential to enter the documents in accordance with the measurements and dimensions that they’ve asked for . If you wish to create an inventory to make sure that there are no missing documents.

All details must be completed in this step and there should not be any details left unfilled or left out. All data must be uploaded with care.

The last step involves printing registration information. Prior to printing the registration details, the candidate must make sure that their resume is submitted in a proper manner and that all of the necessary information is included in the resume. The documents, the forms and the post they’re applying for are correctly listed.


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