Despite the never-ending skincare advertisements and marketing ploys, healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight. Nor is there a one-size-fits-all miracle skincare product that will give you a flawless complexion instantly.
Instead, it can take some work, lifestyle changes and a fair amount of commitment to maintain the appearance of healthy skin.
When it comes to keeping your skin happy and healthy not everything lies in the products you use. From changing your diet to getting enough sleep, there are a number of things you can do that may help your skin. And, these things won’t set you back a small fortune or take up numerous drawers in the bathroom either.
Below are some tips that may help keep your skin happy and healthy.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking enough water is an important part of maintaining healthy skin as drinking water helps give your skin hydration from the inside.
However, hydrating your body is not always enough, especially when you have dry skin. In that case, you need to give your skin the care of very dry skin products.
It helps flush out toxins from the body, which can lead to more radiant, glowing skin.
Wash And Moisturise Day and Night
Keeping your skin clean and moisturising both day and night are also good skincare practices.
It is important to wash your skin at night as this will help remove any dirt, oils and makeup that may have gathered throughout the day.
Not only does washing your face help you feel fresh and alert in the morning, but it can also help to remove any oils or sweat that may have built up while you were sleeping.
Regularly changing your sheets may also help reduce the risk of breakouts and spreading bacteria.
Get Into Collagen
If you have skincare woes or are a skincare fanatic, you may have heard of the term ‘collagen’ once or twice before.
Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our body and it plays a vital role in keeping our skin healthy, wrinkle-free, tight and smooth.
Despite its many benefits for our skin, our collagen production can start to decrease by as young as 25.
Incorporating collagen-boosting skincare products or treatments into your skincare routine may help improve the appearance of your skin while also keeping it happy and healthy.
Skincare treatments for anti-ageing purposes that may help boost collagen production include:
- Collagen stimulants
- Collagen supplements
- Microneedling
- Mono threat treatment
- PDO thread lift
- Dermal fillers
- Chemical peel
- Red light therapy
- Fractional resurfacing treatments
Slip, Slop, Slap
Basically, the more you do to avoid the sun the better. Sun exposure can be extremely damaging to our skin, increases the risk of skin cancer and may lead to age spots and wrinkles.
The Cancer Council recommends using sunscreen every day and incorporating sunscreen into your morning routine.
They also recommend seeking shade where possible and wearing protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses when outdoors.
Diet Changes
To help reduce the risk of dehydrating your skin, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol or consuming excessive amounts of caffeine.
Foods that are rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 and vitamins may also help support your skin health and appearance.