In this digital age, knowingly or unknowingly, every one of us who uses the internet is enjoying the benefits of cloud computing services. 

Take, for example, everyone who has an email address is making use of cloud service (cloud computing).

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In this article, you are going to learn almost everything worth knowing about cloud services.


What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is one of the recent inventions in the IT industry but has impacted many industries significantly since its introduction.

Simply put;

Cloud computing is the provision of computer services via the internet (cloud). These computer services include the following, networking, storage, database, servers, and software, among others.

What this means is:

You pay to use these services when you use them instead of investing in building your own physical IT infrastructure.

Now, let’s consider the advantages of cloud computing.

Benefits of cloud computing

  1. With cloud services, you, as the end-user, get to save money. This means everything you’d need would be offered on the cloud. For instance, instead of buying USB drives to save your data, you can just upload it to the cloud.
  2. Automatic updates are another of the top benefits that will flow to you if you invest in cloud computing services. Instead of doing the hard job of upgrading your physical IT infrastructures, the cloud service provider does that for you.
  3. Flexible access. You would relate more with this considering how work culture has shifted towards a remote basis. This means you or your employees can enjoy cloud services from anywhere around the world so far you have access to the internet.
  4. It fosters collaboration. The cloud helps people to optimize performance. Now, they can spend lesser time on collaborative projects since many people can work simultaneously on a group project without disrupting the workflow of any team member.

Now, let’s consider the limitations of cloud computing.

Limitations of cloud computing

  1. Have you ever heard of downtime? Downtime is a period when a particular cloud service you have subscribed to is out of use — This is largely regarded as the leading limitation to cloud computing services. 

Whether planned or unplanned. Downtimes are bad for everyone as they may have a negative impact on your business as the end-user.  

  1. Limited control. As the user of this service, you do not have any form of control over the data. The cloud service provider exercises every administrative control over the service.
  2. Data theft. If the security measures adopted by the cloud service provider are insufficient, then your data might get stolen on the internet without you even knowing.
  3. Vulnerable to cyberattacks. The cloud service provider has to be on top of their game to wade off the relentless attacks that would come their way. If any of these attacks by cybercriminals are successful, you may lose valuable data.


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