How Can The Top Yoga School In India Help You To Become Stress-Free?
How Can The Top Yoga School In India Help You To Become Stress-Free?

Get ready to embark on a stress-free life, by embracing the No. 1 yoga school in india. You will be bewildered to know, that around 80% of the working people, suffer from stress. And why not? Every day is a fierce rat race, when one has to prove himself or herself at work. Then there is a lot of managerial pressure, and mental tension at work. And that is the reason, why you will notice that many people are turning to holistic therapies like sound healing, meditation, and also taking herbal supplements. You can also adopt another holistic modality, to enrich your life. It is none other than yoga.

When you practice yoga, your blood pressure stabilizes and mental peace comes back. So, you should know about a few postures, that will lead to calmness in your life.

Asana For Stress-Relief  At The Best Yoga Schools In India

You can now enroll for a yoga course at one of the best yoga schools in india. Most yoga schools following the Himalayan yoga system are located in the tranquil surroundings of the Himalayas. So, you can head to the best one and seek serenity in your life.


This is also called the Easy pose. If you are a non-practitioner of yoga, you can start with this asana. The asana will strengthen the spine and also open the hip muscles. Moreover, the asana also helps you to calm down. Your mental and physical exhaustion will also go down. It is quite easy, as the name suggests. You have to cross both your legs and sit down. The spine should be straight. The left foot should be under the right knee, and the right foot should be under the left knee. You can keep your palms in Gyan mudra on your knees. You should breathe normally, while holding the pose for 1-2 minutes. You can also extend the timing, depending on your longevity. Get the attention you deserve from the top yoga schools in india.


 Many yogis also refer to this asana as the child’s pose. It is extremely beneficial for the lymphatic system and the nervous system. Moreover, this asana has the power to calm the mind. It will also give a nice stretch to the thighs, your hips, and ankles. It also relieves neck and back pain. Start by kneeling in Vajrasana. You have to bend your body forward, till the chest touches the thighs. You can either keep both your hands by your sides, or take them forward as you bend and rest them, palms down on the floor. Hold this position as long as you can, and breathe deeply.


If you are suffering from mild depression and anxiety, then Uttanasana can help you. It will calm your brain and mind. Moreover, the pose also stimulates the liver and the kidneys. It also stretches the thighs and strengthens the knees. It is very easy to do this pose. You have to stand straight with your arms by your side. Stand straight and the slowly bend the body forward, and keep the palms on the floor. You have to hold this position for some time.

These are a few of the asanas that can help you to get relief from stress.

Other Ways To Relieve Stress

Apart from the above asanas, you can also do pranayama, and meditation to get relief from stress. The top yoga school in india will also help you with other practices in the arena of yoga. They are bandhas, mudras, and mantra chanting.

You should also have more of Sattvic food, to reduce the stress on your digestive system. When you eat simple, and fresh food, the digestive system also relaxes. You can practice breath control like Pranayama, to get a good night’s sleep. That is absolutely important for your wellbeing.

Alternate nostril breathing is one of the top practices for you today. Some people also call it Nadi Shodhana and Anulom Vilom. They are two types of alternate nostril breathing, where in the former, you hold the breath in your throat, in the intervals of exhalation and inhalation. In the latter, you do not need to hold the breath in your throat.

So, these are a few practices, that can give you relief from stress in life.


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