Who is Liable for Left-Hand Accident in Houston, Texas?

Many car accidents that attorneys in Houston, Texas, handle involve drivers that make left-hand turns. In most cases, turning drivers are at fault.

The drivers might have made an unsafe or illegal turn at an intersection, and in other cases, the other driver might be at fault.

At times, both drivers in the left-hand turn car crash in Houston usually share blame even if one driver is clearly more at fault.

If you got hurt in the accident, it would be best to enlist the services of one of the left-hand turn accident lawyers to help you explore your legal options. And if the other driver is at fault, your attorney will be more than dedicated to holding them accountable and seeking a better settlement on your behalf.

Causes of Left-Hand Accidents

Driving a car in Houston at certain times might be somehow risky because of the increased number of reckless drivers, cars, and trucks.

News coverage of car accidents normally highlights the deaths of the people involved. But they don’t describe serious injuries, which people often suffer.

The major factor involved in those serious accidents is negligence from the driver. And negligent driving might occur in different forms, including:

  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving
  • Fatigue driving
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving

Dangers That Come with Left-Hand Accidents

A left-hand turn accident usually results in serious injuries. These accidents happen when one driver travels through the intersection, and another driver is also turning left.

Most motorists think that a car driver making a left-hand turn is always at fault. However, this is not always the case.

Drivers traveling through an intersection might as well be at fault. And unfortunately, avoiding this kind of fatal accident may not be possible.

Establishing Negligence in a Left-Hand Turn Accident

Negligence, in other words, means that someone is responsible for behaving in a particular way but fails to do so. An individual might be held accountable financially for being negligent.

If you drive in Houston, you assume the duty to yourself as well as others on the road. You have the responsibility to follow the drive and law with caution. If you text behind the wheel and operate under the influence of alcohol/drugs or speed, you fail to fulfill that duty.

This explains the reason why the injured victims can use you if you cause an accident when doing either of those things.

What to Do After the Accident

If you get injured in a left-hand turn accident, it will be best to consider taking the right steps so as to protect your interest and legal rights.

In the aftermath of the accident, it is completely normal to be overwhelmed and consumed by the entire situation.

Being involved in a left-hand turn accident might be very traumatic, and it will be best to follow the necessary steps, like:

  • Seeing a doctor
  • Reporting the incident
  • Gathering evidence

Concluding Remarks!

Texas law that governs left-hand turn car accidents might seem very simple to deal with. But in the real sense, they can be a traumatic experience. This is why it is necessary to enlist the services of a good attorney to guide you through the whole process.


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