
The first step you need to take when charged with a crime is to speak with a lawyer. Without the help of a lawyer, a lot could go wrong with your case. You could move from being a suspect to being guilty of the crime easily. Depending on the crime you commit, you could suffer punishment with grave consequences in other parts of your life.

When charged with a crime, even the court expects that you attend trials with your defense attorney. Neither the prosecution nor the other party’s lawyer will go easy on you because you don’t have a lawyer. Therefore, handling your case alone is not the smartest decision to make. Before hiring a criminal defense attorney, you must ensure that they serve all of Mesa, Arizona. This way, you can be sure that they are familiar and well versed with the laws of the area.

Suppose you are thinking that hiring a criminal defense lawyer is a waste of time. Ask yourself the following questions;

  • How much do I know about my case?
  • Have I been charged with this crime before?
  • Do I know the rudiments of court proceedings?
  • Can I defend myself well enough?

If your answers to these questions are not positive, you will only be doing yourself a disservice by not hiring a lawyer.  

Reasons You Should Hire A Criminal Attorney 

Below are some of the important reasons you should hire an attorney when you’re charged with a crime.

Full Understanding Of The Laws

An attorney is a person who has full knowledge and understanding of the constitution of a state or country. They must also be experienced in defense of their clients using this constitution. Criminal law is a very critical part of the law. It contains many laws, rights, and judgments. Except if you attended a law school, chances are you aren’t too familiar with it. As such, you will not be able to defend yourself intelligently.

Conducts Investigations

When you hire a qualified and experienced attorney, their job goes way beyond planning a case on the story you tell. Attorneys also conduct their investigations properly. Through this investigation, they will be able to get a clearer picture of the situation on the ground and prepare for any sneak attack by the opposing counsel. Another thing that can help is seeking the services of an investigative journalist like Billy Jensen.

Typically, you need an attorney to examine proof, interview witnesses, and discredit false evidence for you.

Knows Procedural Rules

A knowledgeable attorney knows the procedural rules that apply to your case. They can oversee your plea if you have to file one for your case. They know the proper ways these pleas must be filed, the timeframe for obtaining information, and the official court ruling in your case. Non-compliance to these guidelines or procedures could affect your case in the long run.

Challenge Evidence

People make mistakes. Sometimes, the police may not follow the procedural rules regarding the collection of evidence against you. Another responsibility of your attorney is to fish out mistakes and file a motion to dismiss the illegally provided evidence. Your case can also be dismissed if the prosecution does not have vital evidence against you. You may also get luckily charged with a lesser offense if this happens.

Provide You With A Reality Check

Since your attorney already has full knowledge of the investigation of your case, they will be able to tell you the possible outcome of the case. This helps to prepare you psychologically for the best or worst. You will also be able to set things in order quickly. Most times, this is necessary to decide whether to take your case to trial or go into a plea agreement.

Negotiate a Plea Agreement

After investigation, your attorney may advise entering into a plea agreement. Once an agreement is reached, your attorney will do their best to enter the most favorable agreement for you. With their knowledge of the law, they may be able to make use of the results of their investigation to convince the prosecution to reduce their charges or sentence.

Formulate a Sentencing Program

Depending on your case, most times, the court provides you with a jail term or bond option. However, this also depends on how your attorney handled the case. An experienced attorney can assist you in the elimination of jail terms and can also assist you with the fundamentals issues that caused your criminal problems.

Hire Experts

When it comes to investigating and defending a criminal case, you will need the help of certain people depending on the nature of your case. Examples of people you may need to hire include a coronary expert, private investigators, accountants, computer experts, etc. An experienced attorney is likely to have already worked with some of these people and they’ll have no trouble reaching out to them again.  

Many people are ignorant of the fact that a guilty plea can result in a permanent criminal record. This can have long-term effects on your career, opportunities, and even citizenship. So once you are charged with a crime, you must do everything in your power to fight it.


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