This is a critique of the company WiingNight review to discover if is it a WiingNight .com fraud or a legitimate company. This WiingNight review will allow you decide if you can purchase anything through this store online or not.

Wiingnight complaints, authentic or fake or fraudnbsp

What is WiingNight .com?

This is an internet-based retailer that sells clothing and fashion-related items such as dresses, tops, bottoms as well as shoes, accessories, vests and so on. But, there are many things to know about it prior to choosing it as your preferred shopping site.

WiingNight is classified as being among those shady websites for one of the reasons listed below:

Company Address:

It has included the name of the parent company as well as the location on the Terms and Condition page. The address is EMILYMA Limited: Think Tank 5b, Great West Road, Brentford, London, England, TW8 9AG. First off, Google Maps can’t find the exact location of the address, and there’s no company with the name EMILYMA LIMITED identified on or in the vicinity of the match at all. Additionally, Google Maps even pinpoints this address partially at right in the middle. The company has even provided the parent company’s address and name in images instead of directly entering it into the site, which is typically is done by scam websites using the wrong company’s name to ensure that nobody is able to find their website when searching the address or the name of the parent company on Google. The parent company’s address as well as address is utilized by other sites that are deemed to be scams, such as Spark-Nice, KikiLighting, Shop.SimigLighting, Oureni, Kurdran, CandyDreamLand, Vintagety, Poound, SmileCreateGifts, Vincetop, LollYouth, Missbele, Farcure, Getfiner, Gymsissi, FansyCutie, LordMenly, AnnieDresses, Yonaky, Yonleng, Kkidom, Kalicity, Polotumi, Polindays, and so on. There isn’t a phone number for contact on the website. Therefore, we wouldn’t recommend this website for any type of online shopping.

At the moment of this review, it was able to provide its parent company’s name as well as address as EMILYMA LIMITED: Think Tank 5b, Great West Road, Brentford, London, England, TW8 9AG. However in the future, it could change its parent company’s name and address as other sites have had to change their parent address and company names in the past.

Copyed content:

We discovered that the product images used in the catalog aren’t original, which it could mean that the site is either copying images from other sites or simply selling other items or clothing. There are a lot of information on its website , such as the design of its website match several problematic websites.

Returns and Exchange:

It comes with the Return Policy which has been found to be a bit insufficient for the return or exchange of products. It states that customer is responsible for shipping charges for the return. This means it’s nearly impossible to receive the entire amount back from these kinds of sites because of their unclear terms.

Customer Complaints and Delivery:

The customer service and delivery times of sites that are similar to this one is extremely poor, as indicated by the complaints from customers of similar websites.

Our Final Verdict:

The reasons above clear proof that WiingNight is among the sites that is considered to be suspicious.

There are a variety of sites that are suspicious listed in the “Suspicious” category by clicking here< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE, or browse our website to discover the many interesting and informative articles that fall under various.

If you would like to share something regarding this business, submit your comments below. Please forward this review to your families and friends through your social media profiles to inform them about this store online.

Today, a variety of new online stores are promising to offer various items at massive discounts, however the majority of them are frauds. It is therefore recommended to stay clear of new online stores, or at a minimum, conduct some research prior to purchasing items from these new online stores since the majority of these online stores aren’t able to deliver the products purchased to their customers or even deliver completely unrelated or low-quality products. Certain scam websites have charged the credit cards of customers without permission. If you’ve previously purchased from fraudulent websites, we recommend that you immediately notify your credit or bank firm to safeguard your credit card details.


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