You need a new mobile app to improve the operation of your firm. However, you must clearly grasp why you need it and what qualities it must have to meet your objectives. Then, make a decision regarding the mobile app development process, such as where to locate a decent developer, which tasks are necessary, and how long it should take. As a result, create a list of questions in advance, the responses to which you want to obtain from the possible developer you want to recruit.

The Meaning and Procedure of a Mobile App Development Process

Tablets and smartphones need appropriate mobile apps to match their features. The most important need is that the app be compatible with mobile devices with small displays. However, such an app should be identical to the ones you presently use on desktop and web.

The development process changes greatly since a new app needs make advantage of existing mobile platform characteristics, such as an iPhone accelerometer for gaming.

The program should incorporate the built-in features and apps of both iOS for Apple devices and Android from Google. iOS, for example, employs a complete web browser and the Apple App Store, while Android applications are accessible via the Google Play Store.

The Top Questions to Ask a Mobile App Development Company

You may have already concluded that having a company app for mobile devices is essential. The next step is to locate a credible development firm for this project. Contact various developers or firms and get as much information as possible to determine if they can provide the services you need. Before you begin communicating with your prospective developer, you should have a list of critical questions available. Here are a few ideas.

Is it better to have an Android or an iOS mobile app?

Begin by deciding whether you want to design an app for iOS or Android. Consider how many target consumers are on each of these platforms, how often they use their mobile devices, and how sophisticated the project should be to match your budget. If you can’t make a decision on your own, consult with experts and marketers. The software company’s professionals can assist you much since if you continue to work with them, they will know exactly what your needs are.

Learn all there is to know about iOS and Android, as well as their respective app shops. You must understand how effectively they can disseminate the program among consumers.

How Much Does Mobile App Development Cost?

Every customer is concerned about the cost of development. You should discuss this with the developer you wish to recruit. The problem is that you will never pay a set price since it is determined by a variety of circumstances. They include: 

– the app’s complexity, which includes its users’ ability to create profiles, communicate in various ways, pay for extensions, products, or services via the app, and other consumer-related features; 

– a set of additional features, 

– the amount of data in databases, server compliance, customer support efficiency, domain hosting choice, and the availability of automatic updates.

As a result, how much does it cost to develop a mobile app? The most basic app may cost between $50,000 and $100,000, while marketplace and e-commerce applications can cost between $200,000 and $1,000,000, depending on the added capabilities.

The price is also affected by the kind of developer and how its duties are carried out. You will pay varying amounts for in-house and outsourced staff. App pricing may also change depending on whether the app is designed for iOS or Android. When you visit the website of a possible developer, you may utilize a cost estimator to see if the company’s services are within your budget. Alternatively, you may contact administration directly to discuss the quotation.

Remember that the cost of post-production testing and further maintenance may be included in the price. This item is critical to consider since you will need this assistance for at least two months after the app is completed.

What Are Your Company’s Advantages?

Learn all you can about the possible development business. The first step in carrying out your objective is to speak with a representative about why you should pick their firm and what advantages you could obtain. This might be one of your first or last questions throughout your presentation. Consider what you would want to get as a bonus ahead of time. You may want to get discounts, hear expert explanations of all methods, or see a list and general appearance of their prior work. You may also inquire about how they perceive your bespoke mobile app development process. In any case, their responses will impact your decision.

Consider questions regarding the developers’ talents, experience, and new ideas. So don’t be afraid to ask them.

What previous projects are you most proud of?

This question is related to the preceding one. You may wish to know how much experience and skill a development business can provide to your project. So, inquire about earlier initiatives that they are particularly proud of since they have proved to be enormously successful. You may also want to discover this information on their website. Examine their honors, directories, and references more closely. If you see names like Wirehive 100, US App, DADI, or Webby, you know you’ve come to the correct spot.

During the first conversation, you may also discuss other honors and accomplishments with them. Managers that are eager to demonstrate their achievements will imply that you may put your whole faith in this developer.

How Long Does It Take to Create a Mobile App?

Every customer is interested in knowing how long it takes to construct a mobile app. You do not want to wait years or months for your project to be completed. Keep in mind that the mobile app development process should take between 3 and 9 months. It is determined by the intricacy of your app and the extra features you want to include. If the management says that the project will be done in a month or a few weeks, do not trust the organization – you will not obtain adequate results from such a bother.

It is preferable if the representative can describe the time of each step to you. Writing a project brief with a budget and delivery date estimate, establishing objectives and KPIs, and preparing a non-disclosure agreement and a request for proposal, for example, may take 1-2 weeks.

It may take another 5-6 weeks to discuss research ideas, construct a prototype, complete user stories, and get the MVP (minimal viable product).

You should also include in the time required for the following steps: 

– creating mockups and prototyping (6-12 weeks); 

– app development and coding (6-12 weeks); 

– delivery and app store debut (6-12 weeks) (more than 2 weeks).

To obtain app features images, thorough explanations of each component, presentations of app icons, and video demonstrations of the app’s functionality, you must give your company’s contact information. They will aid in the effective appearance and availability of your program in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Within the first two months of operation, the app will also need to be checked for problems, enhancements, and adjustments. As a result, you’ll need to acquire a response to one more inquiry.

Do you put your apps through testing?

You must guarantee that your app runs smoothly. That is why it must be tested before being released. Learn about the testing method, including how much testing they conduct throughout the development process, how they test prototypes, designs, and wireframes, and what they do about it at the first launch phase.

You may also be interested in the results of the testing process, how valid it will seem to consumers, and how effectively the developer can alter the app in response to users’ observations and comments in their feedback. When making changes to the app’s functionality, examine your commercial strategy, the sort of company, your consumers’ behavior, and other marketing-related elements.

You may question the developer about any challenges you may experience and how they resolve any issues that arise during or after the development process. Of course, you should also inquire if these changes would incur any additional costs.

What Methods Do You Use to Manage the App Development Process?

It is also critical to consider how the app development project will be handled. Before releasing the final product, you may want to know what to anticipate from the app development process and its outcomes.

As a result, you must consider the administration of this process by corporate representatives at each level of growth. Making a project brief, designing the design, enhancing the app, and future maintenance may be of particular interest to you.

Inquire about the company’s project management technique, such as Agile or Waterfall. You should keep in mind that Agile approach does not need a lot of time and effort to make changes, but Waterfall management employs more defined assignments for each team member to boost development efficiency.

How Do I Get My App Into the App Store?

Before you publish your app on the Google Play Store or the Apple Program Store, you should also forecast the precise name and description of your app, its category, keywords for good ranking, images of all features, creating icons, and ratings.

All of this information should be available from the development business. You may also be urged to spend in ASO (App Store Optimization) in order to improve your ranks and exposure. Your developer may provide you with a more detailed overview of these topics.

Will My New App Need to Be Updated?

Even if your mobile app is quite popular and has a large user base, you will need to update it. Do it three to four times every month. The automatic timetable for such updates must be included into the overall development strategy. You should also inquire about the developer’s potential plan for adding new features based on consumer input.

Bug fixes and continuous technological enhancements should also be part of the approach.

How Will I Know If My App Is A Success?

This is also vital, and you may inquire about it with your possible developer. More conversions and investments are an evident component that you will undoubtedly notice. So, describe your ultimate aim to your developer and ask how quickly you can reach it.

Consider unique measurements and KPIs including engagement, customer activity, results, and retention. Make certain that you will be able to observe how well the app operates. Consider the times of day and areas where the majority of clients utilize the app. All of these information, as well as particular software features built for these goals, should be explained by your developer.


As a result, this list of first questions to ask a mobile app development business before signing a contract with them is critical, and we hope it will be of great use to you. Its primary goal is to assure that you will get the precise outcome you desire. It would be ideal if you could record the developer’s responses to all of your inquiries so that you could refer to them in the event of any problems or misunderstandings.

Your developer should become your loyal partner in addition to being your service provider. That is why, in the early phases of the collaboration, you must be very cautious and detailed. You may even have to repeat your inquiries if anything is unclear or goes wrong. To be on the safe side, the future success of your mobile app may be heavily reliant on the things you must define from the outset of mobile app development.


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